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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. It's a war, what do you expect? Meanwhile Zelensky passed a law that makes it illegal to film army recruiters and face jail time if you do. He wants or has lowered the conscription age (?) despite having a really small population of young men. ''Recruiters'' beating up Ukrainians who is trying to dodge the conscription. Making their passports abroad invalid and trying to force Ukrainians who fled other countries to come back. Sounds like it's going great, alright. Meanwhile Russians are lining up to join the Russian army, starting to seeing this conflict as
  2. Peace summits without Russia at the negation table. One big useless circle jerk from the Switz. Out of touch on what exactly? That we think we're wasting money on a proxy war with Russia and risking WW3 for shithole Ukraine?
  3. What's the issue? He should have started crying about it and calling her racist, he didn't so that makes him the bad person?
  4. The bitch has to get me hard somehow. Maybe your little prick gets hard instantly and you cum after two minutes of penetration but I'm harder to please.
  5. don't worry too much about it. I crafted the best sword for Claude basically in the middle of the game. That's kind of the issue with being rewarded for doing just about everything with special items. The in-game achievement things didn't exist in the original. It was also much harder to know what you would get out of crafting.
  6. Just experiment and have fun. Make sure to max out the skill which reduce SP requirements for leveling up other skills.
  7. When your most hyped games are Hellblade 2 and State of Decay 3...
  8. Trump demanding that his VP does something illegal is on Trump. There's a huge distinction between civil disobedience and a real attempt at an insurrection. The intent and the means to achieve their end matters. There's no real attempt at overthrowing the Government on Jan 6. Period. And you have the left who pretend this was one of the darkest day in America. Like it came close to changing the democratic process forever. It didn't, not even close. Getting like 25 years behind bars for just having entered the premise is ridiculous. Those sentences alone sho
  9. It still has the same shitty UI as Fallout 4. Inventory management is a pain but that's on purpose and that's quintessential part of Fallout/Bethesda RPGs.
  10. Making more money than several months of Gamepass subs. We have reached that point already, Xbox is just another third party on Playstation.
  11. That's pretty cynical. They're not making 2$ candy bars. When a company invest 120$ million in ONE game you better care what's in it, otherwise you are a moron in the wrong position. Let alone doing the whole console race war against giants like Nintendo who clearly care about the content they are putting out, it's how they got in business. MS just have no intelligent design and vision for Xbox. It's ran like a fake corporate company and that's what you get. If they weren't successful in their other ventures like windows they would have dropped the Xbox alt
  12. There was absolutely no well structured plan as such from that disorderly mob.
  13. It's not but it's nice. I'm adverse to wasting money. I worked too hard for mine.
  14. Value Cost Profit Count Total: C 5,042.48 4018.29 1,024.19 193 Video Games: C 5,042.48 4018.29 1,024.19 193 This include my losses on most of these games, yet still worth more than what I paid for. I sold most of my good stuff already but I still have a few bangers. The rest is just maturing. I actually seem to have binged on Xbox 360 games at the right time. Everything is going up. I have
  15. I haven't put up all my games on pricecharting yet but so far: $397 US physical $114 PAL physical Canadian dollars of course. So yeah about 70 USD. Lmao.
  16. Yeah well that's why I was so confident in the first place. Gooks plays games. Mostly exclusively on Kidtendo systems though, which is even worse than not playing games personally if you ask me. Probably plays multiplat on Switch in 2024. That's hardcore.
  17. I said SW peeps, the PS5 owners here. Don't be an idiot on purpose. Here's one of your post in this very thread as a reminder. Yup. I'd bet my PS5 collection not a single one of them, has, or will ever play your MS turd.
  18. It's mind boggling. Old Xbox executive was so cool, that guy who used to work at SEGA, forgot the name, was so much better for building the brand. If you think about it, the whole Xbox identity still dates back from that era and early 360 days. Halo, Fable, Rare, Forza, Gears... They had a brand, now Xbox means nothing whatsoever, might as well be a toaster logo. Mattrick was also a a dumbass pushing Kinect at the forefront of Xbox but no one can match the genius of Phil Spencer completely destroyed Xbox for good. Maybe he's paid by Sony, an insider saboteur. I couldn'
  19. I have twelve games so far and a few more coming my way. I think I ordered four or five more on Amazon the other day. I don't even know anymore. I just pick them up when they are a good price range. I have 15 more wish listed and I'll end up buying most of these. I would buy more but I already played quite a few current gen games on my PC. I'm actually buying my PS5 sometime this month. I'll wait a bit for the PSVR2, shit is pricier than the console. Goddamn. And it was the reason I'm buying one. Without a VR headset I would NEVER buy a PS5.
  20. It's far more cost efficient. Regardless, I will never buy Sea of Shit. TLHBR
  21. Lol, coming from the guy trying to link this thread to climate change denial. That's rich. All the terrible and disastrous decisions made during the pandemic are all linked. I guess you are too oblivious to stick to the point I am trying to make you understand. I am not even arguing the efficacity of the vaccine here. They pose serious health risks and the way it was forced down on the populace is the issue, the hysteria. You probably called plenty of people anti vaxxers from just making personal medical decisions for themselves, have you? Now continue posting studi
  22. Yeah because I love playing social online games in VR, right? Oh wait. Another fucking fantasy of someone playing Sea of Trash when they are not. This is embarrassing.
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