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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. Like I said, they all got HD remastered, and I played quite a few of those. The games are relatively fresh in my memory. Especially MGS3. I'm good. I don't need to replay the same game that many times. Whatever people, enjoy stagnant series with no new games. Can't wait for Uncharted 1 remake and MGS4 remake on PS6 in 2030. Ironically I will end up playing FF7 Rebirth and not this. It looks good though, I'll give it it that.
  2. David P


    Taxes/inflation, the border and mental health are pretty much all at critical peak levels. Or are you implying it's all going swell and no one should complain?
  3. Fuck younger generations. The AAA gaming industry is going to end up like Hollywood isn't it? Just a bunch of old recognizable IPs being constantly brought back and remastered/remade to infinity? Oh wait it's already happening. Creatively bankrupted.
  4. All these fucking remakes makes me feel old and jaded as fuck. I don't want to relive the PS2 high notes, it wasn't that long ago, plus they all got HD ports throughout the PS3/PS4 generations. I replayed MGS2 and 3 on PS3 in 2011 with the HD compilation and MGS3 held up really well. Persona 3 had a HD remaster like two years before the remake came out. Talk about overkill. There aren't that many PS2 games that are still only bound to the PS2 that are actually worth playing/porting at this point. Fuck that shit. PS1 remakes/remasters are cool though as they are much mo
  5. Rofl, it's going to be better than your precious Disgaya games that last 200 hours of pointless grinding and fgt weeb humor.
  6. This game is so made for me. Metal Slug universe. Check. Cool GBA like modern sprites. Check. S fucking RPG. Check. Aza having shit taste in SRPGs. Check.
  7. Fable 1 was charming at the time. Fable 2 I replayed recently and it's just atrocious, the graphics are awful and aged really badly with terrible performance. This new Fable, I dunno, I need to see gameplay. The graphics are nice but I'm sensing bullshit, doesn't really look like Fable but that might be for the best.
  8. Random Xbox dick sucking article from some soy dweeb 'working' at [videogamer]. Impressive.
  9. They made the best WRPG ever, New Vegas so they can go whatever the fuck they want. Pillars of Eternity 1/2 are modern classic rpgs done right. The Outer World despite it's flaws was pretty solid, can't wait for the sequel. I never played KOTOR2 now that I think about it but I heard great things. When they go all out on their RPGs it's usually fucking good, especially the freedom given on how to complete quest and how you affect the story through dialogue options based on your character build. Good shit, it's not that their games are super polished and perfe
  10. Not a fan of the visuals/art style but I dig the dialogue options straight out of Pillars of Eternity. I'm not feeling it so far but it's probably going to be good.
  11. David P


    It has never been more true.
  12. I'm not Jehurey who holds beef with what people post here about shit I don't actually care about. I remember arguing about it though. Don't worry, no Lemtard has been hurt by my post.
  13. That sweet money from people who buy games. It's been so long at MS that they had forgotten what it's like to sell games. Phil is such a worthless cuck. Lmao.
  14. I thought you were one of them. Don't remember exactly other than someone/people had issues with me calling Gamepass a monthly sub for rentals.
  15. Wait, did Phil just verbally confirmed Gamepass games are akin to renting games? Just wanted to be sure because every time I tell Lemtards they are basically renting their games I get a lot of angry responses.
  16. The current 100$ off PSVR2 promotion stings a bit. I can't believe they didn't actually drop the price permanently. Even if it was just a bundle with a game and a 50$ price drop. Anything.
  17. Nothing to feel bad about. It's not like I couldn't just take it out of my saving account and buy one if I really wanted to. Part of it is just laziness. Two months of rent in one month is not cool though.
  18. I'm buying a POS5 soon, I swear. I had to pay a month rent in advance for my new place. So was like yep, there goes my PS5. It's fine. I at least got a good start up line-up. Too much PSVR2 tho, I need more flatscreen games.
  19. Good PS5 games are trading for upward 40$-50$ minimum on ebay, it's a good flip, especially if you wait for sales and got it at 40$ in the first place. But yeah, can't really apply my case with like normie consumers buying the latest Call of Duty, I'm just speaking for myself. It's kind of shit list, you're gonna have a good laugh. Keep in mind I'm hunting for quantity at low prices. On top of that I already played quite a few current gen games on PC limiting my options. Stuff I actually want to play: Gran Turismo 7 Resident Evil Village Gold Resid
  20. At first I was like eew, digital only... but then I realized it actually makes sense for Xbox/Gamepass. Might as well ditch physical games if you don't have retail space anyway. The physical games sales figures for Xbox must be so bad.
  21. Physical is still the best option. I got like 20 PS5 games already. Most of which I could trade/sell for equal what I paid for them.
  22. Ghostz and Jonb acting like they never purchased a game or never will.
  23. Indiana Jones is cool. DOOM is cool. Awful line-up saved by Bethesda.
  24. About 4 seconds of little glimpses of gameplay, no hud and nothing about those sequences was particularly impressive. Lol. Plenty lol. You're so full of shit.
  25. It's a goddamn teaser made of cinematics with no gameplay. You guys smoke crack or something, is this your first video games show event?
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