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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. Yeah well that's why I was so confident in the first place. Gooks plays games. Mostly exclusively on Kidtendo systems though, which is even worse than not playing games personally if you ask me. Probably plays multiplat on Switch in 2024. That's hardcore.
  2. I said SW peeps, the PS5 owners here. Don't be an idiot on purpose. Here's one of your post in this very thread as a reminder. Yup. I'd bet my PS5 collection not a single one of them, has, or will ever play your MS turd.
  3. It's mind boggling. Old Xbox executive was so cool, that guy who used to work at SEGA, forgot the name, was so much better for building the brand. If you think about it, the whole Xbox identity still dates back from that era and early 360 days. Halo, Fable, Rare, Forza, Gears... They had a brand, now Xbox means nothing whatsoever, might as well be a toaster logo. Mattrick was also a a dumbass pushing Kinect at the forefront of Xbox but no one can match the genius of Phil Spencer completely destroyed Xbox for good. Maybe he's paid by Sony, an insider saboteur. I couldn'
  4. I have twelve games so far and a few more coming my way. I think I ordered four or five more on Amazon the other day. I don't even know anymore. I just pick them up when they are a good price range. I have 15 more wish listed and I'll end up buying most of these. I would buy more but I already played quite a few current gen games on my PC. I'm actually buying my PS5 sometime this month. I'll wait a bit for the PSVR2, shit is pricier than the console. Goddamn. And it was the reason I'm buying one. Without a VR headset I would NEVER buy a PS5.
  5. It's far more cost efficient. Regardless, I will never buy Sea of Shit. TLHBR
  6. Lol, coming from the guy trying to link this thread to climate change denial. That's rich. All the terrible and disastrous decisions made during the pandemic are all linked. I guess you are too oblivious to stick to the point I am trying to make you understand. I am not even arguing the efficacity of the vaccine here. They pose serious health risks and the way it was forced down on the populace is the issue, the hysteria. You probably called plenty of people anti vaxxers from just making personal medical decisions for themselves, have you? Now continue posting studi
  7. Yeah because I love playing social online games in VR, right? Oh wait. Another fucking fantasy of someone playing Sea of Trash when they are not. This is embarrassing.
  8. You guys are here day dreaming and circle jerking about your fantasy of SW peeps playing Sea of Lemtards on their PS5 when no one is actually playing it.
  9. Drop FO76 and try out SO2. Although be warned, it starts off slow. Even more so when playing with Rena. Pro tip, you should probably start your first game with Claude. And while you play SO2, remember that you are playing a JRPG that came out in 1998... and be blown away by how much more advance it is than other JRPGs at the time or even now. It's by far the best game in the series and still is. Remake is great too, makes tons of improvements and up the presentation without changing the experience too much from the PS1 original. It's still the same game, combat is what changed the
  10. At first I was like, this isn't a bad venture. Then I realize I have 0 faith in MS to do anything right at this point.
  11. fgt gen z kids love social online games because they don't know to socialize in real life, this isn't surprising. It sold super well on PC. With that said, the game is still terrible and gay. Bragging about Sea of Trash selling well on other platform than Xbox, this is the equivalent of Cuckstz watching his wife getting plowed by black dudes. TLHBFR
  12. LMAO. The American insurrection that was let in like a bunch tourists, dressed up like fans who came out of a Football game and no one brought their guns to? In the US? What insurrection are you talking about? Holy shit you Americans are fucking stupid, your Government does real coup d'état all around the world instilling pro west puppet regimes, CIA killing head of states but you fucking morons can't tell a real insurrection from simple event of public disobedience in their own country. Some of the people who took part have been jailed as terrorists. Decad
  13. Why do I actually hear Trump dumbass voice when I read his post? ''WRONG, he gets trounced.'' I fucking lol'd irl.
  14. Lmao at that post. He's the most genuine out of Biden and Trump.
  15. Subretard fails to understand that while the vaccine has it's uses, it's the way it was pushed on everyone despite potential health risks that was incredibly stupid. Masking was stupid. Vaccinating children was outrageously stupid. Then again this is the guy that is convinced the vaccine saved us money while being completely oblivious to the context at large. Largest wealth transfer possible in history from poor to rich? Insane Government over spending on way too many doses that end up in the sink? Completely shutting down the economy? It's all good, the vaccine itself saved us m
  16. It baffles my mind how many losers I see playing their Switch when I take public transport. Get a life.
  17. It's a great game, I just hate the minigames.
  18. You can't nuke everywhere on the map. To get the nuke codes it's a late game quest so not something new people get access to. It's also a pretty long and annoying quest, especially solo. The blueprint of his base will survive but he will need to repair and rebuild which cost materials, I think. That's what happened with mine when it was attacked by NPCs. I have been nuked once but I wasn't in my base. Just wanted to get an achievement. lol By the way the nuclear explosions are awesome. If you are close enough to the blast zone you can hear a wave of flame b
  19. Just when you think they have reached rock bottom, they exceed all expectations and go even lower.
  20. I never said it was the most profitable thing to go about it but it always seemed like the plan behind the latest was to bring as much popular content to Gamepass as possible to make it grow.
  21. I wouldn't invest a dime in this game marketing. Maybe the fanboys care but some shit tech demo that is barely a game is not going to be a hit. First game sold well because people bought it at 10$ on sale. I find it baffling that such a small game, which is basically made by a very small team but with AAA production values is getting so much attention, let alone a sequel to said shit game which sucked and no one like. Seriously, ever seen anyone said they loved Hellblade 1 and couldn't wait for a sequel? I didn't.
  22. He changed his position recently because I have seen him not having an informed opinion on the subject not that long ago, basically stating he didn't know if the procedure is life saving and that the Gov shouldn't infringe on people's freedom to do what they want with their body.
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