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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. You went on the Jerrygoround one too many times and now your notifications are glitched forever. Jehurey has quoted you in a topic: Jehurey has quoted you in a topic: Jehurey has quoted you in a topic: Jehurey has quoted you in a topic: Jehurey has quoted you in a topic: Jehurey has quoted you in a topic: Jehurey has quoted you in a topic: Jehurey has quoted you in a topic:
  2. Dunno but the stuff Tucker says about alien is worse than thinking 9/11 might have been an inside job. Which isn't that outrageous.
  3. It's not like Sony has cultivated any popular first party IP specifically aimed at the Japanese market in like the past 10 years. You're not going to bring in Japanese gamers with The Last US Lesbian 2 and Spiderpants 2.
  4. He's about to whoop some ass. Going to take kiddo to school.
  5. That's what happens when you fuck up your hormones with steroids. Has nothing to do with bodybuilding. Just juice. Mike is or was pretty broken though. Super heavyweight knockout fighter and openly took drugs for years. Boxers don't make long careers getting punched in the head either. Couple of knockouts too much and you're out.
  6. I don't particularly care. I don't play soulless mainstream games so it doesn't really affect me. None of this has anything to do with harassing trans, let alone ridiculing anyone. You're doing the ''look over there'' tactic and it's not working because I'm sticking to the topic and you're rambling about trans again. Of course you have to turn everything into ridicule and borderline comic caricature to make a point. I honestly thought you were better than this but you're kind of a dumbass.
  7. It's bad enough that he was corrected by my French ass. Tears of the Cuck HBR
  8. Did you just call Blizzard a c-tier dev? Hahaha. Man, old school Blizzard was so fucking cool. Even early Wow days were excellent. Here, this is to the memory of the real Blizz. When their shit used to be cool.
  9. I think you mean political. Lmao.
  10. Why are you downplaying entertainment having these kind of groups and hires? It's also the corporation world and most of the mainstream media. It's not exactly a secret. Denial much?
  11. Complete non-argument that has nothing to do with the topic. Those groups aren't getting hired to dictate what type of content is politically correct or not in video games studios.
  12. Yeah because they aren't any special interest groups of people getting hired to specifically push these kind of things in video games and other form of entertainment... Lmao.
  13. You do realize devs are catering to a vocal minority that are ''offended'' by sexualized character design in video game, right? Because apparently it doesn't represent realistic portrayal of women, in a video game about a girl fighting giant robots , no less. It's not the guys who prefer to see attractive women over characters made ugly on purpose that are the problem. Those are just the target demographic. Personally, I couldn't care less but this is the situation.
  14. There's nothing with fat or ugly women in games. Unless it's expressly done to remove any attractiveness out of the characters to appeal to snowflake sub culture rats on the internet that cry about everything.
  15. I've done shrooms maybe like 20-25 times in my life. It's actually my favorite drug by far, makes me extremely euphoric every time. You never see me smile like this otherwise, I become like the most positive hippie your ever seen.
  16. Something like half of the aid package went to the US military industrial complex.
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