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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. I understand that. But it illustrate Sony willingness to ignore their previous strategy of exclusive killer-app, at least to an extent where if it's needed to work with a third part or just make too much financial sense. Both Horizon main games are on PC. The only exclusive one is on PSVR2. Lmao.
  2. Sony owns the Horizon IP. I'm actually quite surprised they would accept to put it on a Nintendo platform. PC is not surprising though.
  3. Ok, they smoked some good shit while making that one. Control was kind of a weak game and I never played that other Xbox/PC game, I don't even remember the name. Still want to play the Alan Wake 2 though. I think it looks great. Haven't looked up into it much but I was easily convinced.
  4. Seen some stuff that made me change my mind on how the war is going. These long range strikes in Russian territories might actually have been a game changer. There were a massive gathering of troops in Belgorod and apparently they are now scattered due to atacms missiles strikes. Severely changing the situation on a strategic level with a simple move, albeit it's quite the redline crossing. Also long range strikes on ICBM satellites sites for detecting ICBMs (nukes)... This is crazy and no one is talking about it.
  5. Yet Switch has 0 Japanese exclusives other than first party and collaborations with third parties like Platinum Games. All the Japanese games that came out for Switch as exclusive were ported 6 month to a year later to pretty much all platforms. No More Heroes 3, Deadly Premonition 2, Monster Hunter, Triangle Strategy. All of it. Better luck next time with your gay little handheld.
  6. It's coming to Switch? Are you fucking kidding me?
  7. Lego Horizon Sony first party sucks so hard now. Kingdom Come Deliverence 2 is :
  8. Yeah well MK1 on Switch looks worse than MK9 on PS3. Very impressive. Downgrade everything until it works, it ended up looking like absolute vomit? It's fine, we got 30FPS and 800p resolution.
  9. Potato PC settings in 2024 = impressive?
  10. Lol, the adaptive triggers, foveated rendering and HD rumble are the only features it has over other headsets.
  11. Regardless what Kidblade says, the Russians aren't bogged down. They made considerable progress and wreaked considerable havoc on Ukraine in May, showing vast superiority in manpower and arsenal. There's a reason why NATO secretary general plead for other NATO countries to give Ukraine the green light for strikes in Russian territories with long range missiles, there's a reason why Zelensky is pleading for 7 more patriot systems and that reason, whatever it is, is not because they are doing well on the frontline. The war is escalating with regular nuclear threats comin
  12. You seem triggered. It's not as if I think the man is beyond reproach and incapable of committing crimes/frauds but his real crime was not being part of the establishment. In my experience if the establishment turns against you, you must be doing something right.
  13. Can't be pro insurrection and be pro American. Event though the country was founded by a violent insurrection.
  14. Because it's all politically motivated. There's no accountability in US politics. Lmao, please.
  15. It's a not a topic that is being discussed at large within the movement or whatever you want to call it. No idea what you are talking, one dude comment on the internet does not represent an entire community and isn't proving jack shit either. About as wrong as making a generalization about 36 million Canadian because you know two of them on the internet.
  16. Some weirdo invited on a podcast and a post from another virgin weirdo on tweeter isn't a trend. Literally the first time I heard of ''if porn is banned that women will have to put out'' and I watched tons of this type of content. Clearly not a popular topic. Worthless anecdotal evidence. Sorry. You can find people of questionable ethics in any community or movement.
  17. The other half support sham trials that exist to prevent a popular candidate from winning an election.
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