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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. Territories concessions vs their lives. It's not very complicated. Once again downplaying the cost of this conflict and people suffering at home.
  2. Fuck, Fallout TV show is actually really good. Never thought I would ever be watching a Fallout TV show of this caliber and one that respect the source material to this extent. It's properly violent as well. I can barely believe this is real.
  3. It's literally like old school Diablo loot drop. But with every fucking enemy.
  4. One of the worst thing about Nioh for sure. You end up with so much trash that actually good pieces of equipment gets lost in the shuffle.
  5. Ok, pretty sad that they are pissed that buying a MS game is helping MS. Do they think all the money is going to Sony too? What a bunch of moronic fanboy nerds. Lmao. NeoFag is just sad.
  6. Just making the point that people in a democracy have different opinions. Polls are just polls. A lot of people also think we should fix our own problems before trying to save the rest of the world. It would be a lot easier to support this if everything at home was going swell. It isn't, not for Americans, not for Canadians, not for Europeans. You have to understand the reality of some people. Can you imagine struggling to pay rent and food then seeing that they want to sent another 60 billion in some far off country, a country that isn't officially an ally and doesn't
  7. Anyone remember the questline in the first game with the priest? Where you get absolutely hammered and have to do a sermon the next day. Probably the funniest thing I ever seen in a video game.
  8. These handheld PCs are just an abomination.
  9. Coming from the eternal virgin who plays every video game releases in a year and still lives with his mother. Lmao. If Americans were to vote on supporting Ukraine there's a chance the majority would vote no. So much for your democratic process. This is what living in a democracy means, people have different opinions and are free to express themselves without fear of being deported for wrong think. You are just an neocon of the worst kind. You're with Ukraine or you're against democracy. Perfectly spoken like someone who does not actually believe in democracy.
  10. You guys should be grateful. It spare you guys from my upcoming constant VR games impressions which 99% of you doesn't give two fucks about. I have 0 intentions of playing any flat screen games.
  11. Apples and oranges. Does Russia has design on the entirety of Europe? You think they gonna follow with an invasion of Germany like Germany did to France maybe? Lmao. Rofl, we're back to Russian fear mongering like during the cold war American. This is sad. France and the UK was also bound by treaty to declare war against Germany for invading Poland and they did. NATO weren't bound by treaty to protect Ukraine, it's a whole other thing. NATO chose to escalate this conflict with Russia. Russia won't attack a NATO country regardless of what happens in Ukraine.
  12. Bought RE4 for PS5. I just need GT7 and I'm ready for the PSVR2.
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong but deadlier variants usually form when the virus manage to beat the medicine it's supposed to fight against, so it mutate in a stronger variant. I know it happens with anti biotics. While a virus that overspread in a population usually mutate into weaker variants because of societal natural immunity slowly killing it.
  14. This is the dumbest argument ever. You're comparing Ukraine/Russia war to WW2? Americans were also extremely reluctant to join in another European conflict. Go read some history books.
  15. Another thing, how do you think Isreal should respond to Iran? Direct military invasion of Iran is going to bring peace based on your stupid ass logic, am I right? That's how we deal with tyrants, right? Waging war for peace. Americah, fuck yeah!
  16. Spoken like a true neocon. You guys had such great successes at stabilizing the middle east. Oh wait.
  17. Could have said the same pre Ukraine invasion. It's almost as if the policies you are backing isn't bringing peace or acting as a functional deterrent whatsoever but doing the exact opposite.
  18. How did it worked so very very well? It didn't stop the spread and you had to take multiple booster shots for it to stay efficient. Which most people refused. Vaccines was only good at protecting the most vulnerable. That was the best thing about the vaccine and it's why forcing the population at large to take the risk was stupid, let alone push the vaccines on the least vulnerable to Covid (children). Fact is social immunity for healthy individuals was enough to beat Covid and get back to normality. Only the vulnerable, like old people, the morbidly obese and the pre
  19. Russia isn't suicidal, they won't attack a NATO country directly. That is retarded. That's not even up for debate. If NATO sanctioned Russia for Ukraine, how far do you think would go for an actual ally bound by treaty getting invaded by Russia? Are you fucking stupid? Sending the weapons, paying the salaries of Government officials and the army in Ukraine is not directly supporting the war effort? Huuuh. Without western support this war would have ended in early 2023. Now people like you want to keep grinding this conflict until there's no Ukrainian left to fight. Probably would
  20. Let's continue the delusion that a peace treaty would mean Russian giving back territories. Lmao. Ukraine can't even mount a major offensive and has no changes of getting back their territories but somehow it's Russia that needs to make concessions? That's not how it works.
  21. Lmao. Yeah sure Twinblade, infinite support by sending even more money and weapons to Ukraine would have stopped Iran attacking Isreal dead in it's track, because I guess they would shit themselves? What, you want the US to do a direct intervention? That would be the catalyst to WW3. As if the geo politics of the middle east were completely different before 2022. Funny how a strong NATO response in helping Ukraine hasn't changed anything and we are closer to WW3 than ever. Seem like your views are completely backward.
  22. Watched for about 15 minutes and stopped. Not bad but I can't watch TV anymore for some reason. They were like maybe ten wink wink Fallout reference in the space of 15 minutes.
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