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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. I'm in the phase where I just want to play VR games. Ordered The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners 2, Vertigo 2 and VR Skater for PS5.
  2. I'm I supposed to get angry at this statement? You mean I'm not a nerd? Cool.
  3. Capcom action RPG where you can fight huge monsters by climbing on them VS Capcom action RPG where you can fight huge monsters by climbing on them. The comparison makes zero sense.
  4. And the most unappealing protagonist award goes to... Looks fucking terrible.
  5. Pretty hard to make new games when you have no developers.
  6. It doesn't. It's the GBA trilogy.
  7. Jonb forgot FF7 scored higher than Dragon Smegma 2 JennyBitchHBFR. Hiding behind Dragon Turd 2.
  8. Making money instead of clinging to a plastic box that contains some old ass game you actually never play?
  9. I never used the feature on 3DS. It sucked ass.
  10. Regularly goes on sale for 10$. I haven't bought anything in a while. Lost interest. The problem is that everything is readily available as digital downloads. In a few years Castlevania Advance will go on sale for 3$ on your STEAM deck 2 while the limited physical version for old ass Switch will be selling for 80$? lmao
  11. Not bad but probably too expansive.
  12. Dragon Dogshit series is just terrible. It's like Monster Hunter but for retards.
  13. I just realized we are almost in a reality where a Halo/Forza/Gears game will come to Playstation.
  14. The Nioh games were very solid, the only Dark Souls clones I ever liked, personally.
  15. Goukosan HBFR. Sheep and third parties ''exclusives''. DP2. SMTV. OCTOPATH. NMH3. MH. All best on PC. Not buying a Switch this gen has been the best decision in my entire life. Bayo 3 is the only game I'd genuinely want to play on Switch. And I'd rather be unarmed in a ditch on the front in Ukraine than playing a first party Nintendo game ever again.
  16. Cool. I liked the first remake, even though FM1 is a very basic SRPG that dates back to the SNES. I never played FM2. All I know is that FM3 is one of the best SPRG of all time and if they remake it you gotta play it. I will buy part 2 just to support them and hoping they remake 3... Which I doubt because it's a huge game with two different 70 hours campaigns, it was a pretty ambitious game, much more than it's two predecessors, it even has a fully explorable internet in-game with an email system for NPCs optional dialogues. Lmao.
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