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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. Whatever you may think of him he gives good summary of what's happening on the field. @Twinblade
  2. Gosh you people are fucking retarded. I clearly wasn't specifically talking about Horizon physical.
  3. Microcock is so bad at consoles. Bought half of the major publishers in America and still can't move consoles or get Gamepass subscriptions high enough to be sustainable on Xcuck.
  4. Of course. I wasn't saying Horizon will jump in value. Though you take something like Gravity Rush 2, wish is already pricey as it is and it's guaranteed to have an impact on it's value if you make it impossible to get digitally.
  5. Amazing. I hope it become a trend. It will raise the value of physical games. haha, owned. Keep buying digital out of laziness. Renting out CD keys and shit at full price on pre order. Bwahaha.
  6. Meh, the factions in FO4 sucks and the dialogue system has been so dumbed down. Lol, sounds about right.
  7. Both games are complete mixed bags with many aggravating issues.
  8. Things like this are why it's a shame the VR mode is not available on PC.
  9. Gotta catch em all. Nice collectothon. No biggie. Abrams tanks are just a little bit over 10 million US dollars in cost to produce one tank.
  10. @Twinblade But David why do you hate Ukrainians so? -Neoconblade, war enabler. It's a good thing the US spent another 66 billion abroad just as the Ukrainian front is slowly collapsing. This is why you guys don't have free healthcare and never will.
  11. Stinkfield is the biggest flops this gen and defies all previous metrics. Toddler Howard was just about to kill himself but then the Fallout show ended up being good since Bethesda writers didn't work on it, with renewed vigor he started working on the Fallout 4 'next-gen' update.
  12. You should ask @Hot Sauce for impressions. I know he loved it.
  13. If FF7 Remake wasn't actually the remake to one of the greatest RPG ever made, I wouldn't even complain. It's a decent game on it's own. I haven't played XVI. This is the first time I might skip a main entry (that's isn't a mmo).
  14. The FF series would still be relevant if they were still proper turn based FF games. Square hasn't made a proper FF game since FFX. Not coincidentally, this was the last time the series was relevant at all. FFXIII had hype, then it came out and it was literally the worst game ever made. All the fucking morons who argued for years it's impossible for a turn based RPG to be mainstream just look at Baldur's Gate 3 success and shut your dumb mouth. FF7 remake would be 10x times better as a turn based. Enough with the gay weaboo pseudo action/RPG hybrid games. They all suc
  15. Miss Vegan getting raped by jonb.
  16. They said so previously. They want to release less content per year. This is literally what they have said. Either this means a downsize, and/or a slower output but of higher quality.
  17. This has nothing to do with FF sales performances. They changed their business model and cancelled several games that were already in production. That 140 million comes exclusively from projects that will never lead to anything because they're now dead. Sony basically wants to downsize and release LESS games per year. I'm guessing you will see less mid budget games from them and only focus on a few big projects. Which would be really fucking stupid but this is Square we are talking about here so that's probably the plan.
  18. Punching with gloves is cool, barehanded you have more chances to fuck your hands than anything. I usually just overpower and choke people out. Block the blood flow in the neck with the biceps and put all my weight, adding my fat 200 pounds ass of gravity force. Works nicely but you have to stop before they lose consciousness unless you want to be charged with homicide.
  19. No one is arguing that wokeness is the root cause of obesity. That doesn't mean we should normalize being morbidly obese as being healthy or some other nonsense.
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