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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. I bought my first 1080p HDTV with Uncharted 2. TLHBFR And I'm still using the same TV to this day. IHBFR
  2. Wut. The cases are not comparable and neither are the two men. One is your future President, the other is just the worthless crack smoking son of your soon to be ex President. No one cares about Hunter. Lmfao, the fact you are trying so hard to make it seem like it's even ground for the left and right is just fucking hilarious.
  3. I've seen enough blowing up from lancets to know they are not invincible or particularly great. The electronics gets damaged just the same, abandoned tanks and apcs litter the field from both sides. Agree to disagree.
  4. Genres/styles of games that has gotten hard for me to enjoy with age: Fighting Games (I'm still pretty decent but lazy af) Fast action paced action games, like Stellar Blade for example Weeb Anime stye Japanese storytelling Multiplayer games in general Ubisoft games
  5. You won't mind a bit of a challenge if you really enjoy the game. I've been there, I understand what's it's like though, no patience for shit. It's fine, plenty of games out there, you'll find the ones that sticks.
  6. I didn't say it's as grandiose as shaping US policies. More like shady business deals in China and Ukraine of all places. I'm sure being the son of the vice president at the time wouldn't help such a man in such a context, at all. My speculations might be just that but don't play dumb with me either. You think the man is beyond that? Mwahaha, as protected as he is. What a joke. Stop playing fool, fool. You must be smoking the same type of shit as Joe Jr. :clown:
  7. It's not even comparable. Trump wish he had such an easy case as crack head Hunter. Are you for real, dude?
  8. It's ok, you just had to defend Xbox, it's a normal survival response mechanism for a Lemming.
  9. Yeah, my questioning evolved beyond that. Whatever, it's fine.
  10. Hunter been a worthless crack smoking addict who sell BS modern art to launder money, evade taxes, wouldn't peddle the influence of his vice President father who is also a corrupt old career Politician and has a very close relationship with him? Hmm, you're right, absolutely impossible. Hmm yeah, like there wasn't any shenanigans surrounding the laptop at all during all those 6 years.
  11. Well I doubt everything. Especially when it doesn't sound right, I was asking specifically in the case of robberies. So how exactly do they record unreported crimes? You know the 300$ or less of goods theft in stores where the cops doesn't even show up?
  12. @FIREPOWER Rofl, no surprise Lemtards like Cuckstz and Lemij see no issue at all with applauding like a bunch of seals at the zoo when hearing bad news because you're told to. That's what they do for Xbox for free everyday. Yes, Lord Phil, we applaud Xbawks! Starfield! Hellblade 2! Perfect Dark! Also, Hi fgt Rush is the only game Cuckstz has ever played on Xbox for a considerable amount of time other than EA yearly sports games. Studio is finished, applaud you fucking dumb Lemtards. Clap, clap, clap! Hear that? That's the sound the
  13. All the tips in this thread are fucking awful. Mala just take a nice long break, enjoy the summer and when you finally see some game that genuinely gets you excited no matter what it is, play that one.
  14. That's quite a lot for any franchise unless huge known IPs. Regardless Rise of Ronin is on PS5 alone has sold more/faster than either Nioh 1 and 2, and it hasn't been out for that long. It's great no matter how you try to spin it. Not everything has to be mega blockbuster 10m+ lifetime sales...
  15. Hahaha, that's actually true. Wow.
  16. Peddling the influence of his father to strike deals in foreign countries regimes is not legal. I assume everyone in US politics is corrupt. And I mean, everyone. Of course the left isn't freaking out, this is nothing.
  17. At the same time this is probably prosecuted crimes only in those statistics, right? I mean, cheap few hundred dollars robberies with no one suing might not appear in those statistics. I'm just asking.
  18. His deals in Ukraine and China was not Russian disinformation. Lmao. This is a joke trial. No one cares about his gun.
  19. I didn't specify crimes the last time we talked. I said taxes/inflation, the border and mental health issues were at peak levels. Though I find robbery being down especially surprising.
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