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  1. Ghost of Tsushima 2 has to be announced this year. Fairgame$ is coming. Concord is coming. I feel like we could see a Returnal 2 coming from Housemarque announced (and released?) this year. They have been promoting the OG game a fair bit lately. Not sure where Naughty Dog would be right now. They stopped the production of Factions 2, so I don't know how much of their team and time they were using for that. I suspect Gran Turismo 8 will be next gen, unless they do a new GT Sport between now and then. I didn't care for the first Astro, so that is off my radar.
  2. 1. Nobody said that immigrants didn't contribute to the economy. 2. Nobody said immigrants were killing more or less citizens.
  3. If that is the route, that doesn't sound promising at all. I am sure I would still buy it, but I wouldn't like it.
  4. I don't want an ARM Xbox. I want a next gen powerhouse, and I want it to play Steam games too.
  5. All those concerns can be resolved by stopping the US government from wasting so much money. Putting all that money back into the tax payers hands. Back into the employers hands. This will not only reduce our debt (which also comes from us wasting trillions of dollars in handouts to NATO and non-NATO countries as well as spending on legal/illegal immigrants). This can not only increase the quality of life for citizens of the US, but we can build up our military to be stronger than ever. We can put more police on the streets to protect citizens and eliminate more and more thugs, put more educat
  6. We need to slow down population growth. Let the immigrants grow their own populations in their countries. We have enough to worry about in the US. We need to close our borders like we did during Covid and fix America. Then and only then should we think about allowing immigration. Not even sure why immigrants would want to come here anyway. We are the "Shoot Each Other" capital of the world.
  7. I changed my mind about continuing with Assetto and Stellar Blade right now. Decided to play through the campaign of Forza Motorsport 2023.
  8. No more immigrants, legal or illegal. And get the National Guard out to remove all existing illegal immigrants. Finish the wall in Mexico too.
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