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Everything posted by Tainted

  1. Nobody is using the PSP my friend. Just like nobody is using the PSVR2.
  2. This is System Wars, of course I believe that. Turn off the system wars hat, and yes, based on name alone, GT sales on PC would be gangbusters. But it would still be shit for sim. Imagine the mods for the graphics. It would look more real than real life.
  3. It's true. And I am a huge GT7 fan (I enjoy it more than FM8). But GT7 physics are laughable. PC sim racers would destroy that game or mod the shit out of it to make it bearable.
  4. Not hard to sell 2000 of them instead of 1 of them when your price drops $200.00 to push that shovelware off the shelves 😂
  5. Oh, that's why. It's an "accessory" 😂
  6. This is beyond dead. They could give it away free, and it would still be dead. Sony isn't even making games for it.
  7. It came out last year, but I bought it last week. Robocop: Rogue City
  8. LOL, nobody would buy GT7 (at least sim racers) on PC. The physics are arcade, lol! They are nowhere close to Assetto/RaceRoom/Forza Motorsport/iRacing 😂
  9. Damn, at this rate Xbox is going to pass PlayStation in both revenue and profits 🤣
  10. The 360 is a pile of shit. It only sold 20 million. The other 65 million were RROD replacements. Series X is the best. No love lost on the 360 store.
  11. You couldn't pay me $349 to have a PSVR2. I would rather run my penis through a cheese grater, or even worse, play Kinect bowling at 460p.
  12. Sucks, but release it when it's ready. Best of luck to that team.
  13. It has never been pay to win for me. But there are woke characters and non-stop battlepass IN YOUR FACE crap you have to keep closing out.
  14. Time for a good cuck session.
  15. I still have my PSP-3000, but no longer use it. But I loved it at the time.
  16. Naked most of the time, and about 60% Xbox, 40% PS5.
  17. Now Xbox has no games? I guess that means PS has negative games 😂😂😂
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