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Everything posted by Tainted

  1. Two women running our country? We are dead.
  2. Their conclusion said: "The fact is, if you want a handheld gaming PC that’ll run all of your PC games right out of the box, you’re going to need one of these Windows devices. The Asus ROG Ally X is the best one right now"
  3. I will enjoy it, jank and bad graphics. Looks fun to me.
  4. I may not know until Sunday. I have been non-stop busy in my personal life. I played some Hellblade 2 at 4am the other morning before work, but that is it for the past week. I need to bury myself in CF.
  5. Agreed. But how did they get to $3.25 trillion value? I wish I sucked so bad in life that I made endless money.
  6. Or how about the ones where we buy the game at $70, and NEVER played it.
  7. Christ, just buy games and play them. Fuck subscriptions.
  8. Microsoft Windows sucks more dick than Pee Wee Herman did. MacOS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Windows. Though Linux is probably better than MacOS.
  9. Wasn’t it Crowdstrike that took it down? I wouldn’t know either way, my Macs rule them all!
  10. Conbored is gonna be back in a vengeance this weekend with an open beta.
  11. I am 100% against that in any game.
  12. You know cows are fucked when they are happier that Sony made money on the game and don’t care that nobody cares about the game. Lapdog much?
  13. Already own it for my PS5 😂. I am one of the 97% that stopped playing and deleted it. 😂 https://www.videogamer.com/news/helldivers-2-has-lost-97-of-its-players-as-it-hits-the-lowest-point-ever/
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