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Everything posted by Tainted

  1. Only thing I saw Star Trek was some movie where they saved a whale.
  2. Lots of cow cope here with PlayStation going all out 3rd party
  3. Now it doesnā€™t count šŸ˜‚ And itā€™s a remake new from the ground up. 180 days between the PS5 and PC release.
  4. Single player TLOU Remake was released on PC 180 days after PS5 release. That window just shrinks and shrinks. The fact that Sony is putting out more first party developed games on Microsoft Windows PC this past year compared to PS5 is a dagger to the heart for cows worldwide.
  5. Switch was at 142 million sold 2 months ago......
  6. How is Microsoft behind Sony on this? I feel like MS literally stole the PlayStation Now ad that Sony had that said No PlayStation? Play on PC. And all their devices. and now, even more focus on streaming PS games on cloud devices! https://www.pcworld.com/article/2215448/playstation-boss-says-games-are-coming-to-pc-mobile-and-cloud.html "we will expand our gaming experiences to PC, mobile, and cloud.ā€ PlayStation App on TVs?
  7. Hey, I am just stating the facts. Usually facts that trigger cows to the moon and back, but facts nonetheless. It's actually looking like the Switch will take the official top spot of all consoles of every gen by the time this ends. Not sure why anyone would want to lower their standards to the likes of Uncharted 2/Infamous 2. I should mention, Uncharted 4 shits all over Uncharted 2, and God of War 3 is indeed the best God of War game ever made. But let's get back on topic of the gen 9 consoles, Xbox Series, Switch and PS5. Switch is clobbering them both.
  8. Damn, PS5 is permanently relegated to losing to the Switch this gen. RIP PS5 ā˜¹ļø
  9. Sounds like what Phil Spencer has said the past couple years. He knew more than the industry. Thank you Uncle Phil!
  10. Film reels, gone VHS, gone Beta, gone Laser discs, gone DVD, gone HD-DVD, gone Blu-ray will be gone to a new medium or all digital. Blu-ray has been out for almost 20 years. The end is near. Though I am glad that vinyl records came back and is growing. Maybe the gaming industry will learn that better tech does not necessarily equate to a better experience. Speaking of vinyl records: In 2023, 49.61 million vinyl albums were sold in the United States, which is a 14.2% increase from 2022. This was the 18th year in a row that vinyl album sales
  11. If you think the US is bad, check out most of the countries in Europe
  12. Never saw that trailer. Looks good actually.
  13. Which is why every single Gran Turismo game besides GT7 has been delisted and/or removed from the new retail market.
  14. Ghost of Tsushima 2 has to be announced this year. Fairgame$ is coming. Concord is coming. I feel like we could see a Returnal 2 coming from Housemarque announced (and released?) this year. They have been promoting the OG game a fair bit lately. Not sure where Naughty Dog would be right now. They stopped the production of Factions 2, so I don't know how much of their team and time they were using for that. I suspect Gran Turismo 8 will be next gen, unless they do a new GT Sport between now and then. I didn't care for the first Astro, so that is off my radar.
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