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Long Ball Larry

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Posts posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Just now, lynux3 said:

    How’s it not selling well?

    Because their model is broken. 

    they have to sell 3x what their selling now for it to work. 

    hence all the shitty, short-supported, yet expensive accessories (ps portal, psvr2)



    focus on live service games 


    releasing games on multiple platforms 


    licensing IP



    theyre trying to make a penny anywhere they can 

  2. 1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

    Actual facts:


    Profits rose, with operating income +$868M in Q4 (up +172% over Q4 FY22)

    Operating income was at +$2B in FY23 (+16% increase over FY22)


    Like you said, there is nothing to debate




    and you dedicate your life to a system to you even like or play lol Why does it hurt you so much? 

    No where in there does it say Spiderman made bank. Lmfao. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    LOL you were talking about Spiderman and the figures that were posted were for the Spiderman 2 window where Operating Income grew massively (due to Spiderman 2). Now you're diverting on to figures that have nothing to do with Spiderman or any first party release...

    Just take the L bro. You've been doing it for years with Xbox and Tyrone, one more won't hurt. 

    Spiderman 2 took 300 million to make and barely broke even


    did this hurt your feelings? Lmfao. It’s factual, there’s nothing to debate. 

  4. 42 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    God of War Ragnarok made a shit ton of money, so did Spiderman 2. While you were out damage controlling for Starfield flopping Sony cleaned house last year on the back of Spiderman 2. Their games push hardware, they don't need GAAS as they already make a ton of money from the free GAAS money they get on PS5 thanks to MS and all the other third party games. Sony are the only ones outside of Rockstar and maybe Ubisoft making single player games and people buy their consoles to play them and all the other big third party games like COD and Fortnite. They get 30% ofthe revenue of every GAAS game sold on PS5. Xbox is flopping because MS doesn't have anything to compete with Sony in that regard with flops like Starflop and Hellflop 2, and they are trying to woo gamers with the same  third party games that already look and run better on PS5 while offering nothing unique of their own  :kaz:

    Spiderman 2 did not make a shit to of money. 

    It took over 7 million just to break even.


    out of the 10 or so million sold, 2-3 million were easily bundled. I’d be surprised if they made ANYTHING of it. 


    now do you start to realize? 

  5. 50 minutes ago, lostfool said:

    You mad because Steelers going to suck again like they do every year.  You were probably all wet over possibly getting Aiyuk and bam kicked in the nuts.  

    Aiyuk is no where near top 5 WR in the league and I’m glad the Steelers lowballed him. LOL I’d take current day AB. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    That's horse shit. Their single player games make a shit ton of money for them. We've seen their financials already and the PS5 generation is already more profitable for them than the entire 4 previous gens combined. Their games sell well and bring enough people to their ecosystem to ensure they get the lion's share of third party revenue. They are making tons of money off the PS5 and the PS5 is successful because of their first party AAA single player games like God of War, Spiderman, Horizon, etc. to even argue otherwise is completely retarded but I expect nothing less from you lol.



    The real issue here is greed. They are greedy and so are their investors. They've made so much money this gen that it has clouded their heads and they are starting to become arrogant like they were during the end of the PS2 gen. This is leading to unforced failures like Concord. It reminds me of how MS made so much money during the tail end of the 360 gen that they too started fucking up and came up with the XB1 and forced Kinect. 



    Sony is nowhere near that happening but if they don't course correct they could end up losing a lot of money and hurting the prestige of their brand. Too many back to back flops isn't a good thing (ask MS lol).

    Which SP games made money or like, a decent amount? 

  7. 20 minutes ago, Remij said:

    You just know Sony is looking HAAAAARRRD at this and considering whether or not GaaS is something they want to pursue any longer.


    We know they can be successful.. but you really need the right game at the right time.  They need to listen to their fans and if they want to do MP games, do it with IP that is a good fit for it.  They have Warhawk, Socom, Resistance, Killzone... and so on.  From there, experiment with modes and monetization... don't just feed people the same shit every other studio tries to.  I REALLY wish TLOU Factions would have released and they just reworked it into a kickass MP game...  Naughty Dog knows how to make fun MP modes in their games... it would have done extremely well I'm sure.

    They don’t have a choice… that’s why we are where we are. Their SP games don’t make enough money to continue to make. 

    This is what the future of Sony looks like. 

  8. 18 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

    Console gaming is in free fall, why do you think Sony is pushing into live service so hard? Because they can't afford not to. Why do you think Sony is pushing into PC so hard? Because they can't afford not to. Why do you think Sony has aspirations to capture the mobile sector? Because they can't afford not to.


    They are having to subsidize their console division all over the map because bloated costs and greatly reduced profits have made forward progression with their platform as it stands a fiscal impossibility.


    Consoles won't outright die, that's not the conveyance here. They can no longer survive without great outward expansion. PlayStation as a division, PlayStation as a console cannot exist without the above listed realities taking affect.


    It's financially untenable, so in other words it's dying.


    They can’t ever respond to hard, cold facts. Don’t expect a reply on this one. 

  9. 17 hours ago, Quad Damage said:

    “Speaking on X earlier today, the former Blizzard Entertainment president discussed Sony's approach to exclusive games, saying that it is the correct strategy to follow if you plan to win in the living room. In this regard, Sony not only knows how to make hits but also how to pick them from others, and it is definitely paying off. If he were Sony, Ybarra continued, he would double down on this strategy because the blood in the water is all over the place.”




    sounds like if he was still at xbox they might’ve had half a chance of competing. TLHBFR :hest:

    Too bad Sony already said making games exclusive to PS isn’t profitable. LOL

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