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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. You two decided to chirp, so the stakes went up. Make it an official bet, and you’ll have your video. Unless…. Well, you’re scared.
  2. Sorry sweetie, that video is NOT proof You know what you have to do to prove it, but you’re still running. @ me when the proof is here, otherwise keep running. watch him try to run away:
  3. Sorry sweetie, I’m not doing the work for you. Simple as this, post a pic with your username and todays date, PSVR2 and GT7. otherwise you lost. @ me when it’s posted, or keep running and get back to your gamepass games.
  4. Now he’s copying my entire post, holy shit he doesn’t know what to do. @ me when the proof is posted. If you wanna just keep running, do it on your own time
  5. No honey, you posted a random video of GT7 that anyone could have taken. We need a post with your PSVR2, your username, todays date, and a copy of GT7. Because we can see GT7 hasn’t been played on your account since February. We’ll be waiting (forever).
  6. Now he’s digging up old posts he’s seething after he tried to add new terms to the bet. Well, the rates just went up. im happy to prove it, when you post a pic of your psvr2 and firepower posts his PSN profile. I’ll be waiting
  7. You have the terms to the bet. Accept it, or don’t. LOL. And no, you play strictly on your smartphone. Streaming Gamepass games. The biggest fake boy on SW… is YOU Every single person on this forum knows it, you’ve fooled absolutely no one. Watch how angry he gets:
  8. Too busy with Zelda for that non sense. I’ll post it when @FIREPOWER agrees to an sig bet, or when you decide to post a picture of your PSVR2. (We know you don’t have one ) And don’t even ask for my PSN, unless you demand @FIREPOWER posts his.
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