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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Too busy with Zelda for that non sense. I’ll post it when @FIREPOWER agrees to an sig bet, or when you decide to post a picture of your PSVR2. (We know you don’t have one ) And don’t even ask for my PSN, unless you demand @FIREPOWER posts his.
  2. FYI - You don’t get 3500 rupees from it lol. Just saying I have a decent amount stored up from selling minerals
  3. It’s to the right of the Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower
  4. Worth the reward(s) also I have 3500 rupees I’m hoarding. What should I buy?
  5. Why did you clip the article out? For every copy of miles morales, they doubled it for Spider-Man remastered
  6. I really need to get that last ability. Would save so much time
  7. Yup! There’s a few of them, hunts. You should do another dungeon too if you like that. (Any)
  8. Lol I have 40+ hours and haven’t even done that yet. Gonna do it before the desert though
  9. Anyone rebuild Lanayru? Doing it now and I fear the juice isn’t gonna be worth the squeeze.
  10. Bitch ass water cunt. “Tho link contributed too” I did it all mother fucker.
  11. Yeah I just beat it. Was pretty easy. Framerate was rough during the boss fight lol
  12. Oh my bad I misread, just the torso so far. I’m not far past the waterfall part so far. I just got to the shrine before the temple
  13. Yes it will tell you after you get to a certain part
  14. I’m gonna do the water temple here in a bit.
  15. For sure. This game is even more distracting imo. Like I’ll go and set out to do something. But then I get side tracked. Then sidetracked while being sidetracked. Rinse and repeat until I forget what the original idea even was
  16. Lmao every day you say you’re taking a break for a few days and every day you come in here with some crazy progress. how many hours do you think you’ve played so far?
  17. Yeah no, I’m in bed and just got done eating. About to get back into Zelda. I’ll post tomorrow, as I said. He’s running hard from posting another video, especially one that he has to make based on the request. He doesn’t own it
  18. I’ll make the same type of video. you can’t post a video now though, because you don’t have one
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