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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Lmao. Imagine thinking ANOTHER remake will shut down the internet. 🤣
  2. Wow I want to do this then. But where does he get it to 60? That whole video is 30 (I just skimmed through)
  3. No, you haven’t. Either that or you use snap turning, lmfao. Every review mentions it. bu bu it dunt happen 2 me
  4. Any downside to this outside of battery?
  5. I’m assuming you’ve already beat Elden ring, so why would you keep playing it anyway?
  6. One weird thing about COM is when you’re climbing it feels more like you’re moving the mountain rather than climbing lol. Kinda odd. Reminds me of old school gaming when sprites are in 2d and turn when you turn
  7. I’ve beaten Elden ring and loved it. TOTK is superior.
  8. Zelda (emulated) is by far the best game you can play on a steam deck. It’s not one of many, it’s THE one.
  9. Who knows, who cares. Zelda is the only game that matters
  10. I think COM runs at 1440p, it’s def not 4k but it looks great when you’re standing or looking around. I turned snap movement on and it fixed the issue. I’ll try gestures later because snap movement sucks lol.
  11. If Nintendo had a gamepass like service it wouldn’t have sold even half. That is the whole point of gamepass… regardless, why are we talking about gamepass in a ZELDA thread? Chill on the obsession, Jesus
  12. Yep. You’ve never played it. I posted three reviews that mention it as well I could post 50 more, but it’s obvious you’ve never played it so I won’t bother. Also LOL at you saying “slight judder” when EG said “notciably” FAKEPOWER and Gamepasshurey have been exposed ITT. Who woulda thunk it.
  13. Not at all lying, but this is pretty much proof you’ve never played the game. the game looks great, turning does not. I’ve already said this. even your own source has comments saying the same thing: “little more noticeable, if you choose smooth turning, is judder. It only occurs when turning but, thankfully, not when you move your head. You can negate the problem by choosing snap turning.” https://cogconnected.com/review/call-of-the-mountain/ The visuals aren't always perfect though; thumbstick turning makes the world
  14. You don’t have a PSVR2 or a switch… or a Xbox for that matter, you have to stream them to your phone 🤣🤣🤣
  15. No, she got it because we both thought quest was a POS and was hoping we would find more enjoyment out of this. your bait doesn’t work, either my nephew balls out more than you do (he’s 11) or I do. LMAO! we know you lied for a fact about having a psvr. 🤣
  16. My “nephew” now has a Xbox series s, series x x, oled switch, ps5, ps VR2, and an oled tv meanwhile Jerry has nothing
  17. Shame because the game does look pretty damn good and immersive while not turning. But yeah I’ll give those games a try within the next few days if I can put Zelda down
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