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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Jedi Survivor is lower than 720p on PS5 in some cases. Lol
  2. What PS games are on there? blood borne will be announced to PC next week.
  3. Xbox games are any games released on Xbox. What do you call games on Xbox not made by first party studios? Non-Xbox games? https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games
  4. You didn’t say exclusive. You said Xbox games, which those all are. So Xbox will be tied with PS, considering BB is being ported to PC soon. Switch stands alone.
  5. 10. Half Life 2 9. Dark Souls 8. Portal 2 6. Mass Effect 2 5. The Witcher III
  6. Lol I bumped a thread as soon as you made tbis 9/10 at GS and IGN (bring back decimals) 96 MC Higher than SF of course (and everything ever PS exclusive)
  7. Plenty of Xbox games in that top 10 list. Only one PS exclusive, which is soon to be ported to PC (BB).
  8. BOTW haters HBR. Top 10: 10. Half Life 2 9. Dark Souls 8. Portal 2 7. MGS 6. Mass Effect 2 5. The Witcher III 4. Bloodborne 3. Tetris 2. The Last of Us 1. Breath of the Wild https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/best-video-games-all-time
  9. Get out of this thread with PC talk. Go make another thread.
  10. He avoided the my post like he avoids playing PS5.
  11. ABK deal will still go through. Redfall was never going to be great. I said at most it looks like a 7-8 game, and a game I was never going to play. I never even heard of it until last year. I don’t care about Xbox “winning”, it already has better games than PS5… LOL, which is exactly why you don’t own or play PS5. Nintendo will always win, and Nintendo has always been my number 1. Just not as fun to argue considering it’s leagues above both Xbox and PS.
  12. LOL @ this cunt talking about “console privileges being taken away” hasn’t touched a PS5 in MONTHS
  13. Lmao @ @Ramza shilling for PS5 despite not even owning one
  14. You just dissed Switch for having a remaster, then proceed to list remasters. Hogwarts is lame unless you like HP, Wu Long isn’t that good. Jedi Surivor is a broken mess, and all of SW called AH a flop. Switch has had MP remaster, the highest rated game of 2023, XC3, and Zelda is releasing this week. 3 AAAes in 5 months.
  15. Switch is still having the best year out of any console, but it would be nice to have stronger hardware.
  16. No, I hyped it to be on par with those trash games. And it is TCHBO
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