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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. You would have no idea you felt like you were a woman if you never saw a woman
  2. Trans and gender diverse experiences don’t equate with someone deciding to change their appearance to be part of a group whose experiences, community and struggles they can’t fully understand. these are the exact same things.
  3. You’ve called more people faggots on this site than anyone. And used to make fun of trans people. Bet you’re gonna deny that too? I can find the posts, retard.
  4. They’re the exact same situation. There was literally zero aspect of race in either, dipshit. let me guess.you think the black dude loved white people and was just “grumpy”. Lmfao you’re the most racist person on this site and said you were happy when white people died. Fuck off you pussy ass hoe.
  5. Straight men date women. Bi or gay men date trans women. Just ask @Mr. Impossible, he says he doesn’t date trans women.
  6. The only one baiting is you if you disagree. I’m stating a simple fact.
  7. No - I’m absolutely saying something. Here, I’ll repost it for you.
  8. Probably? At the time of the story the police said it wasn’t. the grandsons brother also said it wasn’t.
  9. @z,warrior I’m white/Italian. I get super dark in the summer, darker than most light skinned black people. Am I allowed to identify as a black person because of this?
  10. No one is saying they aren’t human and don’t deserve rights you fucking retard. We are simply saying they aren’t women, because… they’re not.
  11. @z,warrior I’m white/Italian. I get super dark in the summer, darker than most light skinned black people. Am I allowed to identify as a black person because of this?
  12. There are about 500 people who are hermaphrodites in the world and it’s a genetic defect.
  13. I’m here to tell you a simple fact - women don’t have penises. 🤣
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