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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. And it’s not wrong…… but trans people one up this even more considering 99.9% are gay as well.
  2. Exactly. Far from it. It’s similar to people who are sexually attracted to animals. Goes against the actual wiring of your brain and species.
  3. see the problem with your comparison… I don’t wish to be the female in the threesome, because I’m not a female. anyone wanting to be the other gender is 100% facing mental issues.. and that’s okay, there are many mental issues not just this one. But to pretend it’s anything other than a mental issue is bizarre.
  4. No, normal people don’t want to be the opposite gender. Therefore they have an issue with their brain. That doesn’t make me hate them, it’s an “observable truth”, like you say.
  5. You’re stupid enough to think a person is a woman despite being born with a penis makes sense
  6. wanting to be the other gender does indicate there’s something wrong with your brain, yes
  7. And you keep saying that there’s hate? There’s no hate, just pointing out its bizarre behavior.
  8. There’s nothing to hate about. It’s just bizarre and not normal lmao. It’s like seeing someone with a stupid haircut, I don’t hate them I just think they’re weirdos. who would do this to themself because “they wanted to pee standing up”?!
  9. Dude go get some coffee or something i was talking about this
  10. Like what? You’d have to find someone to buy it first. Regardless, with most being sold for under $5 my statement is likely still correct.
  11. Bet you’d get 15% of your value back at most, why do you bother collecting them?
  12. Crossed 700m and a 96% audience score with 10k+ reviews. Classic.
  13. 8-2 in mid 2022. PS5 has won about 3 comparisons since. Xbox has won a few as well. tell me where the delusion is
  14. Redfall is hyped by the same people who hyped Poorspoken, and it will score higher than that
  15. Men wanting to be woman will always be weird. No reason to hate them tho
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