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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. The majority of multiplats are better on Xbox. MS know Ghsotwire was a flop, it sold like shit on PS5 and had no hype on Xbox. There was no budget, it was a quick port. It could run at 8k and 120fps on Xbox, no one would give a fuck either way… LOL.
  2. That thread severed its purpose. Xbox is up on PS when it comes to multiplats this gen…. This thread is some of the most desperate shit I’ve ever seen posted on here.
  3. No, it literally doesn’t. In fact…. According to your own source, the vast majority are superior on XBOX. Lol, that’s gotta hurt. got him so flustered he doesn’t even know what year it is
  4. Well yeah they crammed a lot into two hours. Coulda been season 6.
  5. Yeah I have a friend there. They’re moving lol
  6. Oh I misread your post lol. Yeah 300k usd for 500sqft… yikes.
  7. This isn’t true at all. In Pittsburgh a few years ago, 300k got you a decent size house. Now those same houses are 500-800k. I’m talking 1700-2500sqft homes in decent shape. Now in Pittsburgh it’s 400k for 1000-1300sqft gutted homes. it doesn’t really make sense if that’s what you’re wondering. here’s a home I bid 250k on that went for over 300k, when asking price was 220k https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/225-Martsolf-Ave-Pittsburgh-PA-15229/11408659_zpid/?utm_source=txtshare Didn’t have ac and had an old furnance but was structurally sou
  8. Ballin @sugarhigh doesn’t want to admit he loved it
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