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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. No, you said to sell them or give them to other people. Lmfao. If you sell them, you essentially rented it. And no one has told me what year old PS games you’re still playing. Now you’re claiming it’s for “when people don’t have internet” wtf is this, 1985?
  2. Still haven’t given a single reason why owning games is important
  3. I don’t play games a year or more post release. What games on PS5 do you play years after release???
  4. No, it literally says it directly in the OP. Not my fault you can’t read.
  5. So you couldn’t answer the question. Your big moment of clarity was the ability to resell, so you don’t care about owning them either.
  6. MS removed games after they’ve spent a year or longer on GP. So the big value of owning a game is reselling it, for 10% of the value you bought it for… or lending it to other people? Do you buy movies/music to resell them or… lend them to other people? There is next to no reason to own a video game.
  7. Of boxed sales…. in UK. The OP even says digital sales are much closer.
  8. Um, it’s the number one selling game on PS5. It’s on more PS5s than any other game, and it takes up a large portion of the available storage space.
  9. COD is the biggest seller on PS5. That and Warzone alone take around 50% of the PS5s available space.
  10. 130 more GBs out of the box. Thats enough for around 2-3 more major games. (Or, one more COD)
  11. LOL their choice is to spend another $120+. Most simply buy boxed.
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