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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. The first one didn’t sell 30 million. The combined sales of Spider-Man, Spider-Man Remastered, and Miles Morales sold 30 million. And most of Spider-Man 1 sales were PS4 sales. PS5 is at most, around 33-35 million sales. You think 99% of people with a PS5 are going to buy Spider-Man 2? Zelda with out a doubt will outsell it. BOTW by itself actually has 30 million in sales… not to mention 3x the player base, even though yes a Spider-Man game is way more casual in nature than a Zelda game.
  2. No, everything will be forgotten. Zelda will be above and beyond the best game of 2023, and really, the only game that matters.
  3. Everything will be forgotten about once Zelda is released.
  4. Yet you had nothing to say when Firepower claimed Forza Street was a reskin of Forza Motorsport. Funny, the only people claiming a remaster of a 2 year old game ISNT a rehash are…. Cows.
  5. Exactly. It was a rehash.. and was SOLD as a stand-alone game outside of Miles Morales. It counts.
  6. Either way, lots of positive previews out there as well.
  7. Nope. Remastered was sold as a stand alone game and is undoubtedly, by nature, a rehash. this will be the fourth Spider-Man game in 5 years. Mad about it? Take it up with firepower, he’s the one who defined it.
  8. Holy shit, now he’s saying it doesn’t count… and the reason it doesn’t count… is because it’s a rehash. he proved me right, and didn’t even realize it. Then he tried to change subjects sorry, That’s not going to work here.
  9. Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon aren’t even made by the same developer and are in different genres you fucking moron. First Firepower, now you think Mario Tennis is a rehash of Mario Kart.
  10. Because you’ve made 500 posts claiming I do care about it. You also make 500 posts (a day) about Xbox, guess you’re obsessed with it.
  11. I expect 7-8, but there have been lots of positive previews. The previews are just for single player, btw.
  12. Talking shit about Gamepass…. While you actively subscribe to gamepass.
  13. oh my god, this shit is gonna be awful gears of flop is one of the most generic franchises. edit: few months old, but still gonna flop hard.
  14. No, show me how FM is a clone of Forza Street. Then show me how FM and FH are the same. Since you know, you claimed it to be the case already. He actually thought he was going to get out of this.
  15. Dumb and Dumber rape themselves again. They have a KNACK for it (another PS flop)
  16. Posting a review is a hype thread???? and no, I literally said over a month ago I wasn’t getting it. he’s desperate af
  17. So let’s see Forza Street now, since you claimed ITS a rehash in a way to make 4 games in 5 years. Also - show me how FH is a rehash if FM, because again, you already claimed it was. Because I surely will be able to show you how SM, SMR, and SM MM are rehashed. And as soon as they actually decide to release footage of SM2, I can include that as well. Hes desperately trying to move the goal post to make his original post make ANY sense.
  18. This would make sense if I didn’t say I wasn’t getting it months ago why aren’t you playing it on PS?????
  19. and what 6/10 games am I playing? miles morales is on par with HIGH ON LIFE …. It even got smoked by HALO says the guy who claims forza street is a rehash of forza Motorsport
  20. Forgetting a few, are you? Year released Platform Cars Tracks Sales[14][19] Gran Turismo Concept: 2001 Tokyo 2002 PlayStation 2 51 440,000 Gran Turismo Concept: 2002 Tokyo-Seoul 2002 90,000 Gran Turismo Concept: 2002 Tokyo-Geneva 2002 100 5 1,030,000 Gran Turismo 4 Prologue 2003
  21. LMAO he just claimed the remaster doesn’t count as a rehash…… by LISTING reasons it’s a rehash And no, they ABSOLUTELY sold if separately. Looks like YOU don’t know what you’re talking about. He then proceeds to list every Forza in history, meanwhile Spiderman is set to BLOW past the amount of Forza games if Sony keeps this level of rehash up. Not to mention, GT has been rehashed far more. Tell me how Forza Street is a rehash of Forza Horizon, other than the name. You probably also argue Mario Tennis is a rehash of Paper Mario because they use the
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