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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. LMAO he just claimed the remaster doesn’t count as a rehash…… by LISTING reasons it’s a rehash And no, they ABSOLUTELY sold if separately. Looks like YOU don’t know what you’re talking about. He then proceeds to list every Forza in history, meanwhile Spiderman is set to BLOW past the amount of Forza games if Sony keeps this level of rehash up. Not to mention, GT has been rehashed far more. Tell me how Forza Street is a rehash of Forza Horizon, other than the name. You probably also argue Mario Tennis is a rehash of Paper Mario because they use the
  2. 4 Spider-Man games in 5 years on PlayStation the last one flopped for being a rehash, keep hyping this one… it’s not like they’ve been hiding game play or anything, oh wait
  3. he had to throw in mobile games and games of different genres just to match the level of rehash of Spider-Man, which are all literally the same genre
  4. Considering RE4 runs at a higher resolution and better frame rate on Xbox, I was the one bukkaking Cows with my massive loads.
  5. Wasn’t it always September? But yawn… Spider-Man 1, Spider-Man 1 remastered, Spider-Man Miles Morales…. And now Spider-Man 2….. all in 5 years. Not even Halo/Gears/Forza can touch the level of rehash.
  6. He’s still talking about Xbox…… (again, this makes sense since he plays Gamepass more than any other platform)….. instead of sticking to the subject. Yawn. Anyway, TCHBR. (watch him continue to talk about Xbox, his favorite platform to play games on)
  7. You’re right, considering there was no mention of it…. Until you. Which makes sense, considering you play Gamepass more than any other platform. Anywho, back to the subject. TCHBR indeed.
  8. Because you brought it up. And then I pointed out you’ve played more Xbox than PS this year. To which you didn’t deny. So to answer your original question… I guess it’s worth bringing up….Since you not only brought it up, you’re played more Xbox games than PS games this year.
  9. You’ve played more Gamepass games in 2023 than PS games, have you not?
  10. No, I’m not playing it….because I’ve already played it, multiple times. Why aren’t you playing it?
  11. I already own a keyboard and mouse but it doesn’t matter, because like I said weeks/months ago.. I’m not getting this game (despite you lying and claiming I was hyping it, lmfao)
  12. might be kinda fun. In this game, two teams of four players each will face off. The playable characters all have unique abilities, locomotion, and even stats like Health, Wumpa Capacity, Combat, Mobility, and Difficulty, making for interesting choices. The basic goal in a Crash Team Rumble match will be to gather more Wumpa fruit than the rival team. You'll have to wander through the maps to break boxes, collect Wumpa, and get it back to your bank to 'score'. […] The first team to fill the bar with 2K Wumpa wins the match. Combat is how you can prevent the oth
  13. And all you have to do is plug a mouse and keyboard in and you instantly get PC controls. hes not even playing this on PS5, that’s how pathetic he is
  14. Show me where I bragged, I’ll wait. in fact, I called a shit game, but it’s even shittier on 15FPS5. He’s so angry it’s just another game worst on PS. First Dead Space, then RE4, and now this. That’s what I call… a trend.
  15. MLB 23 is on gamepass and will be a top 10 selling game on PS in 2023. So no, there are better games to play. And like I said, Series S is the better platform compared to 15FPS5 if you want to play this game. Yikes. Oh, and you paid $60-$70 for the original too.
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