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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Nice self ownage? You claimed FIFA could simply continue using the GAME CODE of EA’s FIFA, because they own the code. You claimed it would be the SAME GAME as what EA made. But it won’t. It will be a completely different game, because EA owns the game code, engine, etc. All EA has to do is make a jersey and face swap, the core gameplay will Be identical. 2/2… smoked them both
  2. But they did invent the game they developed. Otherwise, FIFA would continue to use it. But they can’t, because it’s owned by EA. He actually set himself up for that one.
  3. Do you see FIFA using previous EA FIFA games to build their new FIFA game? or do they have to start from scratch… entirely????? it’s the second option, like I said.
  4. You claimed FIFA and all other sports organizations own the game. Now you’re just claiming the name and license. 1 down. Waiting on Gouk to come in here and get raped too.
  5. they wouldn’t have to develop a new game, they’d just keep building on EAs they own the FIFA name (obviously) not the IP of the game code
  6. this is impossible? @jehurey and @Goukosan told me FIFA owns EA’s FIFA already????
  7. Things that don’t belong ITT. Make a thread if you want to talk about that. this thread is about HFW, coincidently it’s a game you didn’t like i don’t blame you, it SUCKS lol.
  8. He STILL has no response, he knows I’m right. GP subscribers like Jerry and I are WINNING
  9. he still has nothing he’s getting so happy though, the only game he beat on his PS in 2022 is coming to gamepass, which he subscribes to
  10. hes now talking about Elden ring in a HFW thread because he got busted for thinking HFW sucks
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