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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. No, it’s not racism. My dad saying I look like a skin head for shaving my head isn’t racism. Racism is believing a race of people are inferior because of the color of their skin you tard.
  2. Yet it’s gonna do bigger numbers those those movies.
  3. Damn, that was Sonys biggest game for the next several months, too
  4. I can post it at any time. Waiting for you to accept that sig bet.
  5. Camrys outsell Ferraris. Which one is better? Fact is, where you live.. where I live, it ain’t even close. Android is for losers. And that’s why you’re running to an entirely other topic. This thread is about the best selling PHONES. Not which OS has the most market share. Guess you also think Android 3.0 is the best, since that’s what most of the devices run.
  6. Wanna sig bet? I can post it in any situation in 5 minutes if you'll take that bet. Or are you gun RUUUUUUUUN?
  7. I've already posted my PS5 multiple times, I even posted a receipt. Meanwhile you can only post pics of your PS5 at night, LMAO!!!! It's okay bro, at least you got one in the house....even if if is your nephews.
  8. Notice how your door is shut, didn’t want to chance your nephew waking up to go to the bathroom to see you taking pictures of all his shit
  9. LMAO!! He had to wait until his nephew went to sleep, I knew it all of a sudden at night he has access to them all try posting it before your nephew goes to bed next time
  10. Another $60 gamepass subscribers don’t have to waste
  11. You never posted a receipt sorry, nice try. we all know why too, cause you didn’t buy them. They’re you’re nephews and yeah, I made a thread when I got PS5. I’ve posted probably 10 pictures of it, including a receipt.
  12. I don’t need to. I’ve already said it, the nice parts of Chicago aren’t the worst, but Chicago features some of the worst areas… in the WORLD. There are more murders in those parts than ALL of the murders in most cities posted ITT. id rather live in Jackson, ms than Garfield, Chicago. It’s much safer.
  13. Now he’s trying to say my shit is my nephews hes delusional, I’ve posted receipts. He can’t do that, because he didn’t buy them
  14. now he’s posting footage that his nephew captured holy fuck, he’s digging himself even deeper
  15. You’re using a continent. filled with poor countries. Also LOL at having to run to other countries because your own country hates Android so much. america, Canada, uk, all of australia, etc. all iOS But hey, at least you have India notice that there are No countries where the flagship galaxy phones are top selling devices tho
  16. It’s plugged into your shitty PC Im sure. and before you claim you have a good PC, we all know your nephew has the gaming PC and yours is weaker than a Xbox One… LMAO!
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