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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. All he did was turn it on. It’s still disconnected from a PS5. Probably plugged into his shitty ass PC. (The good gaming PC is his nephews, too) his nephew must be using his PS5, firepower has to wait until he goes to sleep to use it.
  2. Don’t see the receipt with your name on it but notice how it’s already disconnected.
  3. Where do you see me defending Series S? Gamepass is great because it offers the same, top selling games that PS has for a fraction of the price. android doesn’t do that and functions worse than iOS in every possible way.
  4. Except iOS makes 100x more money. Lmao. You’re the type of dude who would make fun of someone in a Ferrari because you drive a Corolla.
  5. Meanwhile Cows pay for these two games yearly at full price and receive nothing in return. $140 is nearly the cost of Gamepass for a YEAR. What “gamer” would prefer two games over hundreds for nearly the same price?
  6. You make money off buying games you don’t play. And you’re right, they don’t.. LOL. Both games could have been created and ran on SNES.
  7. I have no reason not to subscribe. It has all EA games, Bethesda games, soon to be Activision games, plenty of big third party titles, indies, and MS first party games. You’ve yet to say what you’re playing, LOL.
  8. Why would I want to possess the games? And there aren’t many games outside of competitive multiplayer games I play for more than a month or two. So instead of paying $70, I pay under $5 a month to play them… then I’m done. You still haven’t mentioned a single game you’re playing.
  9. The beauty of gamepass is you can always resubscribe whenever there’s a game you want… and play as much as you want, for a fraction of the price of buying the game.. and considering 99% of games have no value, it’s a great deal.
  10. And yet, Apple continues to do it. Google basically copies everything Apple does, I agree there. Their entire UI is an apple clone.
  11. Not in anywhere that matters The top selling android phones are $150 and $60… and it’s not even close. Most of the world is poor, and the poor countries buy Android.
  12. And I'm talking raw numbers. More murders in Garfield and Austin than all of Jacksonville. And they have a significantly lower population. All three places are shit holes, can't you just admit that? But, if you want to talk rate....
  13. @Goukosan loves his sales, but not when it comes to phones
  14. Having to download an entirely new messaging app because your phone doesn’t come with a capable one to begin with
  15. Rental service… didn’t know you could rent 100+ games for $15 a month anywhere else. And the rental period lasts years!
  16. Except they cost $70 on PS5. and no, had two deaths in family in the past two weeks and haven’t gamed.
  17. No, point out where it’s more than that. Because it seems 60% of the screen (30% each side) is blurred, if not more.
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