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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Wait, so you’re still playing Horizon, too? Another year old game? You’ve proving my point even more No Game Station 5 Game was such a POS Sony had to give it away in bundles… and then for completely free on PS+
  2. You spent $570 to play a single game… for a year straight… and it’s not even the best in the genre. and you claim (LOL) to be spending another $550… on the same game… in VR Over $1,000 to play a racing game, that’s not even the BEST racing game. LMAO!!!!!
  3. GT7 for… A YEAR It’s worse than FH5 in every way. Worse GS review, worse IGN review, worse metacritic. Less GOTY awards. Less unique players. Like I said… you have NOTHING to play on PS5.
  4. It doesn’t have to. You think it’s gonna sell 5 million on PS5? 3.5x ratchet and clank?
  5. LMAO. Not a single PS5 game. Thanks for proving my point. Oh wait, GT7… a month ago. A game that came out a year ago, that is worse than FH5. Nice!
  6. indidnt say they wouldn’t outsell the Xbox version. It’s on gamepass. Who tf would buy it? I’m saying it will be played most on Xbox. Bc it’s on GP.
  7. If Halo Infinite hit 20 million, what makes you think this won’t hit 5+ million on Xbox alone? You guys think this game is gonna go on to sell 10+ million between PS5 and PC? most people don’t even know about this game. Elden ring, GOTY, just hit 20 million sales. No shit GP doesn’t impact sales. But you idiots thinking this will hit 5 million on PS5 OR PC is hilarious.
  8. I agree, both are hilarious. As a non Harry Potter fan I can’t help but to sit back and laugh.
  9. Well, all the Cows on here said they’re not buying it. LOL so there ya go. We’ll see when the sales come out. But Gamepass is the biggest user base for this game so far, no question.
  10. Lots of gamepass subscribers out there Halo Infinite hit 20 million if you don’t recall This will be played by at least 5 million Xbox users, if not more.
  11. LMAO you know you failed when you have to resort using Jerrys bait. this guys got nothing, especially nothing to play on PS5.0
  12. Absolutely it will. I’m sure it will be played by 10+ million on Xbox. You think the game is selling even 3 million on any other platform?
  13. He doesnt even know what he’s posting, claims PS5 outsold switch the last 4 weeks in Japan and posts another pic showing Switch outselling PS5 in Japan in the last month
  14. This fool digging up posts from 6 months ago Desperate because there’s nothing to play on PS5.0
  15. Probably will be played by most people on Xbox, though. Gamepass.
  16. He wishes. Dude hasn’t talked to a woman in years. Well, I guess that’s not really a woman… so maybe you’re right.
  17. I haven’t really paid too much attention to the dialog and that robot/upgrade station hilarious I think. But the game is pretty tough, I’m on the hardest setting but usually that’s not a problem. It’s also fucking eerie. I think the atmosphere is great. where you at in it? I still have to get the pesticide canister but I got the other ones. Feels like this will be a long game. There are a lot of puzzles.
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