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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. They literally said “don’t pretend to be an ally of trans people if you buy this game”. And then admitted to buying it for review purposes.
  2. Instead of 12.3 million sold, it only sold 12!!! Transphobia has been conquered.
  3. He doesn’t even know why I’m laughing at him. Watch, he’ll do it again. He can’t help himself. I basically control him, at this point.
  4. You claimed to have just got PSVR2.. and then spent the entire day posting instead of playing it. You’re autistic and have a last word complex. Watch, you won’t be able to go on in life without responding to this.
  5. Good one. You still don’t play games. Instead you spend all of your here arguing about them.
  6. Just one example. Lmao. Imagine hiding behind people that constantly make fun of you.
  7. Quite the line up you got there. They all make fun of you quite regularly.
  8. Looks like the rumor was right, Sony cut their forecast in half what a flop. Shit will be dead in two years.
  9. To be fair, Jerry doesn’t play games.. so not buying it, or 99% of all other games is standard for him.
  10. Jetucky living in lala land again. Post your subscription page or SFTU. I’ve owned you enough times today.
  11. This suicide game looks awful. Why are they spending so much time on it
  12. No, I’m fact they’ve called you corny and stupid for typing that. Not a single person has laughed at it. We all know you subscribe to Gamepass, though.
  13. Meanwhile the entire forum refers to you as Jetucky. Lmao! You can’t even post your MS subscription page. Because it shows you pay $15 a month for gamepass. You woulda posted it if not.
  14. Then show your MS subscription page. You won’t, because it will show 14.99 a month.
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