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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. You’re so embarrassing have some respect for yourself and take the L like the bitch you are hurry, edit my post because you got owned
  2. He’s referring the Wii game now, which is a completely different game holy shit, he’s trying to hard. And failing, every time.
  3. that’s a different game within the exact same IP you’ve been fucking destroyed bu bu Mike ownz it!!!1 it haz hiz nameeeeee!!!1 you probably think halo infinite has the same copyright as halo 1
  4. yes they literally can, because it’s licensed. They can make the same game without the license, using the same IP. Just as Nintendo did god damn you’re fucking stupid
  5. they don’t have the license to license THEIR IP like that… who the fuck is arguing that they can? They absolutely own the IP, just as Sony owns “The Show” IP. tag me when you have ANY proof otherwise. Because you’ve been beaten into the ground ITT
  6. He lost Nintendo OWNS the copy right to “Mike Tyson’s Punch Out” as I said from day one they don’t make it now because they don’t have the LICENSE.
  7. it’s the same copyright it was always “Punch-Out!!!”… from day one. The “Mike Tyson” portion was a license. There were other Punch Outs before the Tyson game, obviously you didn’t know that
  8. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! was re-branded simply as Punch-Out!!, and re-released in the U.S. and Europe in 1990[22] and 1991, respectively Cant re-brand something you don’t own @Goukosan it’s all over. As I said, Sony could simply release “The Show”. MLB can’t hire another developer to make a baseball game referencing “The Show” because Sony owns the IP. They could make MLB ‘22, though. Or 2022. Whatever they decided to name it, it would be an entirely different game.
  9. They re-released the exact same game, named PunchOut (cause they own the punch out IP). They just changed his picture and name, he even has the exact same move set. Obviously your family was too poor to allow you to play either version of the game Tyson literally can’t hire a developer to make a “Mike Tysons PunchOut” because Nintendo owns the Punch Out IP
  10. It absolutely existed without him. They renamed his character to Mr. Dream. All they did was remove his name and changed his face, he even had the same move set They even re-released the same game without it.
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