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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Seems like a charming fella to me. Wonder what’s so creepy about him.
  2. Vaughn called Hi-Fi Rush "one of the most successful launches for Bethesda and Xbox in recent years," adding that the rhythm-based action game has "generated significant positive momentum for the business and Tango." Cows desperate for attention
  3. My Xbox gets super loud playing this game. Must be the Russians Data mining
  4. No, I could play Octomom Groveler if I wanted to… I have a switch and a PS5 as well. But I wouldn’t play it even if it was on Gamepass. Meanwhile Cows would have to drop $130 to play both.
  5. At least it doesn’t look three decades old and lucky me, I can play both for half the cost. still not playing that snes looking trash tho.
  6. Yeah, not saying it doesn’t look fun just a bit disappointed by the visuals.
  7. that looks like a PS3 game I thought it was supposed to look as good as the regular game?
  8. Stole thread idea from ResetEra. Anyway, I had the launch ones until the OLED came out. They did get drift, which Nintendo replaced fo’ free. But then I also got a Green/Pink set (not my favorite but the only ones my GameStop had when I was waiting for the replacements. Traded in the original for the OLED model, which are my favorite. The whites are… *chef kiss*. I mainly use the pro controller though.
  9. I have them arguing completely different points now come to me when you have any proof. I won, and y’all are deflecting as usual. make sure to tag me when you have PROOF, otherwise I’ll consider this thread done.
  10. The game is a Sony IP, which is licensed by MLB. https://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=2&ti=1,2&Search_Arg=MLB the show&Search_Code=TALL&CNT=25&PID=fV8Q2NNKVS89ka5XUmnFaON1v&SEQ=20230222152717&SID=1
  11. https://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=2&ti=1,2&Search_Arg=MLB the show&Search_Code=TALL&CNT=25&PID=fV8Q2NNKVS89ka5XUmnFaON1v&SEQ=20230222152717&SID=1 @Goukosan
  12. I said The Show is a Sony IP. There’s a reason why the (Sony owned) website isn’t called MLBtheShow.com, but rather theShow.com. Also why the MLB in MLB the Show in copyrighted after MLB, not the entire name.
  13. So you think MLB can release MLB: the show… if another, non Sony developer made it? Youre setting yourself up here, be careful
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