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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. It is an nintendo device that uses android drivers. Luckily (for us all), it doesn’t rely on Android games and has exclusive, Nintendo made games.
  2. No, I have said from day 1 streaming is shit. Must have me confused with your boy Jerry, who openly admits to streaming gamepass games to his phone.
  3. Meanwhile Jerry plays most of gaming via XCloud… on his phone
  4. Can’t play PSVR2 without a PS5. And Madden is on Gamepass, I’m about to fire up a game right now.
  5. So you think Switch 2 will be able to natively run PS5/Series X level games? Who’s going to be making these if not for streaming? Xbox games is a broad statement, so that also includes all 3rd party games… or any game on Xbox. If the deal goes through, that means this years COD will be on Switch.
  6. Well if they’re cloud based, which they likely are, it will be running through the same servers gamepass does. And with MS commitment seemingly being “we want you to be able to access our games anywhere”, cross saves seem likely. In that case, one purchase should suffice. And if it’s included in gamepass, the purchase is already made.
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