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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. LMAO @ all these hermits in here bashing Microsoft when they spend 95% of their time gaming on a MS platform.
  2. Bro you’ve had 2.5 years to buy a PS5. Just admit you have no interest in it and stfu. Clown show? Jerry just made up a complete lie about Madden being removed from gamepass and you liked it. You’re the fucking clown
  3. So you basically admitted there’s no reason to get one. Thanks for confirming what I already said. And yea, GT7 being always online is the same thing as a rental. I can still play MS first party games from last gen on Gamepass, my “rentals” last way too long for a game to be removed when I’m still playing it. Same as GT7.
  4. You don’t have $550 to your name? Speaking of rent, you realize GT7 is a $70 rental… right?
  5. “if you were to get one” but you’re not Because you’re not dumb enough to spend $500 on two old games and an on rails shooter
  6. This isn’t this gen, this is life time. Also - doesn’t change the fact that Cows have 0 games to play right now
  7. The fuck are you talking about? It was on gamepass fully before the Super Bowl and isn’t being removed @Ramza @FIREPOWER continue to self own themselves
  8. This is amazing! Hopefully it’s not Cloud though. But I’m confused, is this all Xbox games… or just potentially COD?
  9. Yeah we know you wait for games, LOL still waiting on playing GOW
  10. Have fun waiting 6 months to a game you were looking forward to
  11. The first game that’s better on PS5 in a while and it’s a game all you cows have talked shit on self fucking owned
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