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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. You have been raped your broke ass has to wait months to play it
  2. MLB is a top selling game on PS year and year out. And cows pay $70 for it
  3. reviewing way better than Poorspoken, and we don’t have to spend $70 to play it. TCHBR as it will likely be a top 10 seller on PS in Feb NPD.
  4. You already have two people ITT that said they’ll wait for a sale. This means they’ll wait months to play the game and still buy it at $40. Meanwhile I’ll be playing today essentially for free. …and it also means months more of dust collecting for PS5 owners. And it will sell a decent amount on PS5 at launch, especially after Poorspoken did.
  5. You got half of SW ready to drop $70 on it, this is exactly why gamepass owns. Why would anyone want to own this?
  6. Ask @Goukosan and @jehurey, who insist Samsung phones are the best. Lol I know you have an iPhone at this point, imagine having to go against the grain for no reason.
  7. LMAO. They said it was reviewed by “Gamespot staff” instead of listing the reviewer! And the “about the author” section GameSpot Staff The reviewer got lost numerous times around Hogwarts Castle but never once minded it across 30 hours with Hogwarts Legacy. They only cast an unforgivable curse once because the spell loadouts are confusing. The game was purchased for the purposes of this review. this is after they said “if you purchase the game, do not pretend to be an ally of trans people”
  8. No, he said that sounded fun and would honor if if you agreed. then you refused. @-GD-X am I wrong?
  9. And I told you that I would, when you accepted Cells bet. Then you refused, and we all laughed at you.
  10. The answer from me is very clear. Accept cells bet and I’ll accept yours.
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