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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Also, 8/20 of the top sellers are on Gamepass. Gamepass continues to be the best deal in gaming.
  2. While I agree holding can be called on every play in some capacity, I think you still have to give an automatic first down. Otherwise you’re going to see a major increase in defensive holding. I also agree boo boo shoester woulda never caught that ball anyway, it was over thrown chiefs were winning that game either way tho
  3. Might make sense for your need but I’d still get the regular one or preferably OLED.
  4. He’s sitting around waiting for my responses Saturday afternoon well spent
  5. no help needed, shit I don’t have to even do anything. You do it to yourself
  6. he thinks he gets to demand anything after getting anally raped with every post he makes
  7. Says the guy too afraid to post his hairline we’re all laughing at you
  8. he’s still trying… and failing You can tell he’s really upset about it too
  9. He knows how hard he’s been raped…he even knew we would laugh at him.
  10. “LGBTQIA+ people and genuine allies are some of the best creative minds in the world” what the fuck is this based on?
  11. I’m actually debating on getting this now. Playing Metroid and it’s great, but I’ve already beat it so meh. is this game good for someone who knows 0% of Harry Potter, or is it just a fan service game?
  12. No it doesn’t. I don’t care what resolution and what frame rate it’s running, it looks like shit whether it’s in 8k or 480p, at 20000fps or 2fps.
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