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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. https://www.macworld.com/article/1444061/iphone-14-plus-sales-price-cut-rumors.html Sales of the Pro models, however, are reportedly surging as Apple continues to separate the two lines with high-end features.
  2. Yeah I’m not playing this game again. This and Skyrim have to be the most re-released games ever made
  3. Only the Plus and Base model had low sales. The Pros have just as much demand as the 13s. More people wanted Pros this year than any other year, which is why they were holding out until they were able to get their hands on one. Disagree? I’ll need a link. Because Pro models have as strong demand as any other year. This thread will be funny to bump next quarter when Pro model sales are through the roof.
  4. Not if Covid restrictions are gone. iPhone 14 sales will likely boom now that they’ve eased up. Wouldn’t be surprised if Apple has huge quarters before the 15 launch. There are zero signs of lack of demand, outside of the base models, which I agree are lame anyway.
  5. And still the best selling phone in the world since launch. And will continue to be the best selling phone, until the iPhone 15 releases.
  6. Yeah, give it a try when you have a moment. High on Life made me a bit nauseous but I haven’t seen any complaints anywhere on this (or experienced any myself). Like you said, it’s in GP, so if so a quick uninstall will do the trick.
  7. Which is why Apple said they’d make them themselves. And the iPhone 14 is underperforming due to Covid constraints in China and the iPhone 13 having the largest amount of sales in recent iPhones. The 14 Pro was unavailable everywhere in December. Despite that, it was still the top selling phone in December 2022. Again, not concerned.
  8. Have you tried it yet? I’d say give it a try if not, I didn’t think I’d like it but it’s fun. Just playing in small spurts tho.
  9. not in small form factor. They don’t currently make them. The lowest selling iPhone still sells more than galaxy flagships. I’m not concerned, LOL. It’s already outsold all galaxy s22 models combined, and did so months ago.
  10. Not in small form factor. “ Well, Samsung doesn’t manufacture Micro LED displays for small devices at the moment. It does only for large screen devices like TVs” https://www.sammobile.com/news/samsung-lose-business-apple-watch-use-micro-led-display/ And iPhone 13 was the highest selling model in years. Naturally, as you said, most people don’t buy every year. https://9to5mac.com/2022/04/21/cirp-iphone-13-best-selling-lineup-in-recent-years-despite-tiny-interest-in-iphone-mini/amp/
  11. https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2023-hi-fi-rush-tech-review-xbox-series-x-s-pc-a-bold-visual-treat All the careful visual design in the world wouldn't give the game a proper hand-drawn look if Hi-Fi Rush looked like a jagged mess, and here the game impresses as well. Image quality is basically impeccable on Series X, with a super sharp, super clean 4K presentation throughout, while Series S looks softer but still excellent at a static 1440p. This is pretty much the best-case scenario for a console release, and it's reflected in stronger than usual image quality on both mac
  12. it is a big drop, but not a loss of business. iPhone sales will recover, meanwhile Samsung lost 6% of its entire business unless it decides to start manufacturing micro leds. Which it will, and at a discount, because they know 6% is a lot. you’re not in any position to bait here, the gap between iPhones and flagship galaxy’s has only widened over the last few years.
  13. the warning was for December you dolt. The lockdowns were in October. Apple sells mostly all inventory at launch (late September), unlike galaxy phones. Meaning they are making them in October for the holiday. even with the lockdowns, iPhones still dominated all other models. Or are you going to deny that as well? iPhones will continue to outsell the galaxy 23 in the galaxy’s launch month too, it’s not even close.
  14. The orders were back ordered. china wasn’t locked down the entire quarter.
  15. It’s called Emu VR. It’s on PC VR.
  16. It’s much more than that. Better screens with higher resolution, higher refresh rates, faster cpu and faster gpu (which the annual OS refresh can take advantage of) better battery, better camera. It’s not like they ever get worse YOY. They’re basically equivalent to sports games, generally modest upgrades YOY but if you skip a year or two (or more) you’ll really notice the increased power. No issue with you not caring, but it’s odd to see why you don’t understand the appeal. Better is better. And it’s something people use daily. If you refresh each year, the cost is only about 200-3
  17. because your phone gets worse signal, is slower to send texts, takes worse pictures, runs apps worse (or in some cases, doesn’t run them at all), and is slow to load map info compared to newer ones. it’s like saying, why bother with a ps5 when you could just use a ps1? They both play games
  18. Big reason for the drop was this, btw: Apple in November issued a rare warning about iPhone 14 Pro shipment constraints, letting the market know that shipments would be lower than anticipated due to COVID-19 restrictions. The ‌iPhone 14 Pro‌ models were backordered throughout the holiday period, and as a result, iPhone sales were down year over year. Cook also said that ‌iPhone‌ revenue would have grown in Q1 2023 had it not been for the supply shortage. And here’s a tidbit about iPads and macs: Pad revenue was up 30 percent thanks to the launch
  19. im still blown away by my m1 air. Probably will last me 10 years for how I use it
  20. 13 pro is still probably the 2nd best phone in the world tbh.
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