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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Now he’s trying to restart the argument He’s stuck in a loop, the same loop that drove his hair loss
  2. LOL you spent 31 days playing a game you have one achievement in your nephew saw you playing his shit and beat your ass
  3. he changed the subject again he can’t make a single point without getting exposed
  4. oh he finally decided to post he spent the last hour trying to come up with ANNNNY type of response, and this was the best he could come up with
  5. It’s too late to damage control, you denied nothing… and openly bragged about having to stream gamepass games to your 5 year old phone.
  6. Now he’s calling for back up just like his house and hairline are backed up
  7. He has no response, just like he has no bed, no hair, and no gaming consoles
  8. He still can’t deny a single thing said he’s trapped, and has no where to go. Much like when he tries to go to sleep, all beds are already taken
  9. Just as I predicted, he continues projecting he’s now posting pictures of bald men, he must have shaved the little hair he has off this morning in a fit of rage after his nephews alarm clock woke him up before his swing shift.
  10. His posts are all too predictable he’s literally ripping out the little hair he has, he’s so angry his nephews alarm clock woke him up today
  11. He tried to change the subject again i have him making MULTIPLE posts in a row, just like he lives with MULTIPLE family members
  12. jerrys speaking from experience there, considering he lives with his 8 nephews remember all the children’s toys in front of his house when HE POSTED IT
  13. he’s desperately trying to change the subject, just as predicted. It’s way, way too late for that though he has nothing
  14. You never posted a receipt by your own admission, you don’t own either of those just as I predicted.
  15. We know exactly what your hairline looks like We know exactly what games you play (POWERWASH simulator) and games you don’t play (PS exclusives) we know exactly how much you spend on gamepass, $15 a month he’s so ashamed of himself
  16. you’ve already admitted you live with your family, no need to pretend you don’t
  17. thought I was a POWERWASHER??? He can’t even keep his DC straight, much like his hairline go back to streaming games on your phone (and paying $15 a month to do it)
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