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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I called his post perfectly it’s all too predictable with Gamepasshurey
  2. He’s talking about my hair (which is better than his by anyone with eyes) in a desperate attempt to avoid talking about his $15/month gamepass subscription keep talking about my hair. It only proves you have gamepass even more
  3. He took a break to go play gamepass Now he’s trying to restart the entire argument. too late for that
  4. Oh it does, which is why you PRETENDED you posted proof. turns out it was just another lie
  5. Why would I be angry about you paying $15 a month for gamepass? he doesn’t even make sense anymore. He’s busted… after getting busted
  6. Subscribing to gamepass at $15 a month and then spending hours online every week bashing it is pretty funny nope, it’s actually hilarious
  7. He has to remove my entire post because he doesn’t want people seeing he was BUSTED he has no where to go, except to the basement to play more of POWERWASH SIMULATOR on his $15 a month GP subscription
  8. Too late to damage control now, it’s already been proven you pay $15 a month for gamepass
  9. Busting your balls for paying $15 a month for gamepass while you spend hours every week bashing it online
  10. he’s trying so hard to change the subject now he got BUSTED, badly
  11. me: talks about Jerry having gamepass jerry: talking about my hair, doesn’t deny having gamepass
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