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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Well, there was no reason for them to stand him up and start beating him. He was already on the ground when they did that.
  2. I could see it happening if Biden is who he’s running against. Democrats need a much stronger candidate.
  3. Yeah this games pretty fun. Apparently I have no rhythm outside of getting lucky, but it’s still totally playable if you ignore that aspect.
  4. Yeah I know a few folks from Philly and they’re all guaranteeing a win, lol what a shit city.
  5. On the flip side, here’s a Elden ring map in halo
  6. You haven’t proved anything, and the beta ended forever ago. You’re actually paying $15 a month for Gamepass
  7. No, you do. xCloud beta ended a while ago and it has required a Gamepass Ultimate subscription for quite some time now.
  8. How could they be saved from something that wouldn’t kill them in the first place? Not moving the goal post at all, simply saying that healthy people under 40 weren’t dying to begin with. I never said the vax was junk. It’s clearly played its part and helped out the elderly and sick. For the healthy, younger people it has done much of nothing for. They still catch it. I doubt it decreases the severity much, I had it twice and it was basically a cold. It was never severe to begin with for most healthy people under 40.
  9. It’s not a new game. It’s a reskin, just like MM. doesn’t make it less of a rehashed franchise tho. in fact, Sony was bragging about SM selling 30 million copies. And they included it as two sales for anyone who bought the MM ultimate, which included the remaster. So you can take it up with them, they consider it another release.
  10. Yeah it’s so hard to pick even moneyline bets this week. I’ll prob do some type of parlay. I honestly just don’t know who to pick. I want to say bengals but damn chiefs are gonna be playing inspired. I also wanna say 9ers but eagles can score so quickly and we haven’t seen the 9ers behind since Purdys been in. Might be a whole other story if they get down 2 tds and have to rely on pass.
  11. 27,418 people (US only) have died from Covid 19 that are under age 40. This includes those that are compromised, which probably makes up 20,000+. (Tho I do not have a link to prove this as there is no study that goes into that depth) Out of 100+ million infections. That’s all I needed to know to produce my analysis. Healthy people under 40 weren’t dying with or without the vaccine. The simple question, which has never been able to be answered, is.. if you’re vaccinated, why do I have to be?
  12. the end is there have been 4 Spider-Man games released on PlayStation in 5 years when SM2 comes out spin it however you want, they’re rehashing tf out of it. but I’m happy to hear you admit MM was “glorified dlc”, aka rehashed shit they sold for $50-$70.
  13. No, it counts because it was made. Even if you don’t count it, MM was a complete rehash which is why it got a 7/10. Now we have another Spider-Man coming out. that is still 3 in 5 years. Might as well release one yearly and put the year after it, like madden. More rehashed than forza, halo, gears, etc.
  14. nothing beats the epic 4 player split screen, couldn’t do that on a pc
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