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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Less than 3% of Covid deaths are people under 40. Now take away the healthy people, and you’re looking at around 1%.
  2. the leading charge in both is mishandling of classified documents. trump may face other charges, but they’re secondary to the main charge. tell me, what carry’s a higher prison sentence? Felony obstruction or mishandling of classified documents?
  3. 99.99998% chance of survival for healthy individuals under 40 without a vaccine.
  4. Your comparison makes no sense, considering Biden was responsible for the files to begin with. That’s like saying he stole the car, then turned himself in. Not similar at all, like saying he bought a stolen car. He did the stealing. In that situation, he would still be charged.
  5. I’ll wait until you show me statistics on people under 40 who are healthy. The ones that, you know, have a 99.999% of survival regardless of vaccination status.
  6. Agreed. Intent is rather irrelevant though, and will likely never be proven.
  7. Obstruction is a minor charge compared to mishandling classified documents. It’s like tacking on a blown stop sign ticket to the murderer who fled the crime scene.
  8. So, it’s gone down? I thought it was 500%? my odds just went up to 99.9999% of survival
  9. They’re not different from the perspective of the law. The same law was broken.
  10. There’s not really a difference, honestly. Assuming it was of the same caliber, if you murder someone and say you didn’t, if you’re found guilty you’ll be sentenced. If you murder someone, call the police and turn yourself in, you’ll be sentenced. Trumps behavior after being caught isn’t really breaking any laws. The law broken was possession of classified material.
  11. Chance of NOT dying due to Covid if you’re vaccinated - 99.999998% Chance of NOT dying due to Covid if you’re not vaccinated, under 40 and healthy - 99.999988% my prayers have been answered. I’ve done it. I’ve beat the odds. I’m going to the casino and putting my life savings on 22 in roulette. Clearly I’m lucky AF
  12. He’s losing his shit. The chance of dying to COVID if you’re healthy and under 40 is nearly zero, regardless of vaccination status. You’re more likely to die in a train or airplane accident. Have you boycotted those? If so, your percentage of NOT dying in those just increased 1,000,000,000%!!!!!1 Thank god you got vaxxed. It’s a miracle I’m alive! I beat the odds, and they were certainly stacked against me. I only had a 99.9999% chance of survival! 🤯
  13. He thinks 500% of zero equals 100%. Lmao. In this case, it doesn’t even represent .0001%.
  14. Bu bu, much greater!!!1 Lol. This fool thinks that if he buys 500 lottery tickets to someone who bought one, he’s a guaranteed winner.
  15. And with that 500% increase, the chance of dying is .000012%. Do you think that is a huge risk? No. It’s not. Neither vaccinated or unvaccinated people of much of a risk at all of dying from Covid if they’re healthy and under age 40. Are you stupid or trolling?
  16. Risk is next to zero for either. The end. You’re more likely to be killed by lightning than Covid if you’re under 40 and healthy.
  17. Would you take a bet if your odds to win were .0000002 or .000012? no. You wouldn’t. You’d have to be retarded. .00001 and .000001 are massively different odds as well. At the end of the day, both are extremely, extremely unlikely, though. Like I’ve said all along, the vax is pointless unless you’re in a high risk population. there is next to no risk of dying if you’re under 40 and healthy, regardless of your vaccination status.
  18. Well, would you look at that. UK sales aren’t included in European sales. and UK is the biggest market in Europe. And 50% of Horizon’s sales came from a bundle there, since being released. but again, none of this matters since it’s one market. And not even the biggest one.
  19. Yikes, glad I didn’t buy it. Sounds like the general consensus is that it’s just not fun.
  20. Real talk, these screens are going to be jaw dropping. Apple is already the best in the biz with displays, this is about to be the m chip of displays. Rumor has it they’re moving to their own modems as well, guarantee they’re (by far) the most efficient and one of, if not the fastest modems.
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