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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Dang! Solid returns. and yeah, idk. I should look them up one day. They were from ages like 10-15 or so I don’t really remember. I have like 2-3 of each as well and they’ve all been preserved very well. I also have like 5,000 nfl cards from the 90s. I should really check those out.
  2. No, your link said it was one of the top 3 ps5 games in 2023, that it needs to preform well for PS5 to have a big year, and I quote, “gameplay itself has looked pretty incredible”
  3. I’ve never really collected or sold games. What’s the most you’ve earned from a game? I do still have the entire 1-151 or whatever in Pokémon cards. I’d imagine all together they’re maybe worth $500.
  4. You must have missed it when @FIREPOWER said PS5 is going to have an amazing year because Forspoken is releasing.
  5. Oh it counts, sunshine. 4 games, 5 years. They even charged $20 for those who didn’t get MM ultimate to play it. meanwhile forza horizon has had 2 games in 5 years, and one Motorsport game. now, tell me what’s more rehashed. You even said they’re releasing the same game multiple times, in your own post.
  6. Except they’re not developers. They were directors. they haven’t made anything.
  7. posted the tweet, got owned, abandoned the thread and made a new one. this one will be even worse, for you.
  8. No, you had a complete meltdown after I pointed out there were 4 Spider-Man games in 5 years. You literally posted the exact tweet in that thread, got owned, and abandoned it. It won’t get any better in this thread for you, either.
  9. Damn, he was so butt hurt about me pointing out that there have been 4 Spider-Man games in 5 years he had to make a whole new thread. Also, no where in that link do the developers say Forza is copy and paste. They said it was a thrill to work on and Playgrounds is a fun place to work. Also #2, not one of those people are developers. God damn thread backfire.
  10. 2018-2023 - 4 Spider-Man games. 2018-2023 - 3 Forza games, 1 of which is in a completely different genre.
  11. My post had points. Your post is complete meltdown and didn’t have a response to one thing I stated. But glad you think Forspoken will be AAA Spiderman is absolutely more saturated than Forza. More games in less years.
  12. Anyone who defines themselves as a democrat or a republican gets molested every time they open their mouth
  13. 2% of Covid deaths in the United States were people under the age of 40. Why did they need vaccinated to begin with? That is what I’m arguing here. If everyone in the high risk populations were vaccinated, and no one else, it would have still “saved” 20 million deaths… because generally, those are the only people that could possibly die from it anyway.
  14. Says the guy who claims forza horizon and forza Motorsport are the same game
  15. If they’re in a high risk population. Otherwise, no one really dies. as I’ve said 10x now.
  16. they’re all of topic, but who started the off topic conversation first? it’s like saying person a is a child molester and someone coming back and saying who cares? Person b is a child molester and blows stop signs, they’re way worse!!! let’s get back to the discussion at hand. Remember when you said there was no outrage because you didn’t see any posts on resetera about it?
  17. No he didn’t, @Substatic post was completely off topic and had nothing to do with hogwarts triggering the left.
  18. Can you read? That’s exactly what I just said. still is a moot point since young, healthy people weren’t dying anyway. As i just said, the only people that “needed” vaccinated were people in high risk categories.
  19. Hermits know better and have other games worth playing.
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