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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. The vaccine never stopped you from getting it. It helped reduce the symptoms. As this is a fact, it wasn’t needed for most of the population under 40 or so. I mean, nothing wrong with wanting a virus to hit you less hard, but 10 year olds getting vaccinated has no impact if the high risk population already is.
  2. And they’re still catching it, transmitting it, and dying……….. and I’m sure these are mostly old people. People that should have got the vaccine. It doesn’t mean people in their 30s or under really needed it.
  3. the vaccine doesn’t stop someone from getting Covid or spreading it. It may reduce the effects of the virus but you’re just as likely to get it with or without the vaccine. This can then spread to another person, who regardless of vaccination status, can die. That’s why there are more deaths with people vaccinated vs non vaccinated currently.
  4. This game is a 6.0 flop, but SW Cows are hyping it as the next killer app for PS5. What do you think? AAA-AAAA (these people don’t need to vote): @FIREPOWER @TLHBO @jehurey
  5. Here’s 11 reported within a year. Probably close enough to cookes claim. His info graphic is only for 0-11 so hard to say https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.859000
  6. Well according to Cookes infographic, there have been 41 deaths in Canada for ages 0-11, here’s a study saying 130+ a year die in crib related accidents in canada https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6371261
  7. I’m not against the vaccine, I’ve just had Covid twice and have antibodies that do the job just fine. but I’m not quite so sure that the vaccine has really done what you’re claiming. https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/why-do-vaccinated-people-represent-most-covid-19-deaths-right-now/ over the last year, I’ve seen almost everyone that I know that was vaccinated get Covid. Whether it’s mild or severe doesn’t really matter here, it still contributes to “the spread” the variants obviously play a massive role in this, but interesting none the less.
  8. these two games are two gens apart outside of visuals, they’re nearly identical and I’ve played both. Can you tell me what’s different? ….because I’ve already told you how forza is different. It’s a completely different genre of racing games. I guess you think need for speed and gran turismo are the same games too it wouldn’t even matter if they’re the same genre. 3 forza games will have been released from 2018-2023. Meanwhile we are approaching our 4th Spider-Man, all within the same genre with similar gameplay. Bu bu.. he’s black in one of them!!!1 😭
  9. So what are PS5s big games in 2023? We know forspoken sucks, I don’t know anyone who wants to play final fantasy in 2023, so that leaves us with the 4th Spider-Man game in 5 years. what else is there?
  10. It would be better as a club so it appeared on the front page
  11. I don’t align with any party at all. Both are retards and can’t think outside of the hive mind. but only one party calls me a somethingphobe or racist if I say I’m independent
  12. Same way you find trans women, the back pages.
  13. Would be nice to have it on the front page
  14. He lives with his sister who has like 8 kids, lol. Everything in his house is shared with his niece and nephews, but he thinks that’s normal and most people live with their siblings children.
  15. It crashed on me twice and I haven’t went back. I may some day tho
  16. A skin swap doesn’t change anything. Forza mororsport is a sim on closed courses and horizon is arcade in an open world. Spider-Man 1 and MM are the exact same game from a gameplay perspective. But I know these are the only games you enjoy on your ps5 so you’re going to be biased here.
  17. Halo sucks and forza is two different brands. The last Motorsport came out in what, 2017? Even halo 1-2-3 were released 6 years apart. Not sure what you’re getting at. Spider-Man came out in 2018. Then a remaster (lol) in 2020. Then miles morales in 2020. Now Spider-Man 2 in 2023. 3 in 5 years. Or…4 in 5 years if you want to count the remaster. all while Spider-Man hasn’t changed since like, Xbox and ps2. It’s the exact same game across 3 gens. They’re creatively bankrupt for this franchise and it shows by how quickly they’re pumping them out.
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