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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. There have been multiple threads closed over it recently and this has seen several posts today https://www.resetera.com/threads/j-k-rowling-and-her-legacy-of-hate-the-uk-gender-critical-movement.643740/page-18 the mods said they will delete any thread that “hypes” the game.
  2. I don’t know why people are even hyping Starfield TBH, I’ve through it looked like ass since it’s reveal.
  3. Pretty sure Bungie said that they’re remaining multi platform, not that I’m interested in anything they make.
  4. Except, of course, when Nintendo ruins everyone with The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
  5. Steelers had a hell of a turnaround. Not even mad they didn’t make the playoffs, woulda saved of the embarrassment of getting blown out by Buffalo. im pumped for the playoffs this year tho. Buff/KC/Cinci are all for real on the AFC side. If Philly stays healthy I don’t see anyone taking them out on the NFC side. im thinking a KC-PHI Super Bowl. KC wins - 38-35 in a classic
  6. Nothing in this post is even remotely true he’s resorted to lying after getting busted again. It’s so bad it’s making his hairline even worse
  7. No, you didn’t. i don’t sleep on a couch, I sleep in a king in the master bedroom of my own house. Pretty simple for me to say, now let’s hear you say “I don’t live with my family” when we both know you do. (And I can prove it )
  8. Although I will say, never heard of anyone getting fired for following people on social media.
  9. Exactly as I thought. i never said otherwise, LMAO, you actually thought you had one you owned yourself, again
  10. Where am I arguing? Yes they can fire her. Where did I say they couldn’t? I’ll wait for you to show me that.
  11. Also, I didn’t know if you followed someone on SOcial that meant you belonged to any party. Guess a lot of liberals are trump supporters since they followed him for years on Twitter?
  12. Who’s arguing? Either way, Kap quit the NFL. The NFL then scheduled a try out for him, and he didn’t show up.
  13. Kaepernick didn’t get kicked out, he quit and was hot trash when he did quit. his record was 1-10 when he quit and 2-7 the year prior
  14. No, I didn’t. LOL. Credit has nothing to do with it, and mine is undoubtedly higher than yours notice he won’t say “I don’t live with family” because he absolutely does
  15. Mexico isn’t US dude lol. I’m pretty sure there’s more cartel than Mexican military personnel, though they’re a lot less organized.
  16. I can also roll over time. 120 hours a year can be rolled but the rest is forfeit (dumb af). An old job had unlimited PTO as long as your performance didn’t stuffer. No one really took advantage of it though.
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