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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. except I own my house, I don’t rent with my parents while being in my 40s
  2. +1 to you for finally admitting anti white racism exists. You’ve always said it doesn’t.
  3. This shit would be way cooler if they unlocked it to be used where you could enter real or fictitious things
  4. Nothing about PS5s VRR has changed. He said he would prefer if Xbox allowed games to unlock frame rates, but the core VRR on PS5 is limited.
  5. it effects trans women the same way it effects gay men. Didn’t need a study to figure that one out
  6. I have about 36 paid days a year but have the option to “purchase” up to 5 more through my benefits package.
  7. then explain why Xbox has full VRR when PS5 doesn’t support it under 48fps
  8. there’s a lot of “I thinks” and opinions there, but fact is PS5s VRR is half baked and doesn’t account for anything under 48 FPS. Meaning no games that run at 30-48 fps can use it. I’d rather have full range VRR number one but that is one thing PS does good is unlock frame rates. But 40fps titles, which Sony seems to like using, can’t use VRR on PS. no where do they call it industry leading lol.
  9. JK. I don’t watch streamers. Who tf thinks it’s cool to watch other people play unless it’s an a) unreleased game b) a tutorial
  10. I’m waiting for a link. PS5s VRR is limited as it isn’t even full spectrum. The main person (John) at DF said this, LMAO some summer intern. PS5s VRR doesn’t even support 40fps. So if there are any drops, VRR has no impact under 48fps. So any game running at less than this doesn’t support VRR on PS5. industry leading
  11. remember when you through PS5 was over performing ITT? the angst you have for me pointing out you were wrong is mind blowing I own every console, but keep pretending I don’t, no skin off my back Oh and while I’m demolishing people, @sugarhigh I noticed you liked his post but haven’t responded to me flat out proving you wrong on PS5 VRR. Did you find anything saying PS5s VRR is “industry leading” like you claimed??? oh wait, you didn’t. Another one bites the dust
  12. This fool is so mad he hates his PS5 that he forgot I own one why would I want anything I own to fail? Just wish it had games worth playing, LOL.
  13. this is literally the exact opposite as to what DF said On PS5 though, it's possible to drop out of the VRR window entirely, which can lead to judder and all the other symptoms that VRR seeks to alleviate. https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2022-ps5-vrr-update-tested-and-discussed
  14. meanwhile he’s in his 40 and rents cant stick to a subject either, LOL. He actually ADMITTED he streams Xbox games… to his phone ive Never seen someone so angry about it!
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