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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Exactly my point. Shit flopped. Didn’t even reach 6% of the audience. PSVR2 will flop even harder. It’s costs more than PS5 does
  2. Ok so I’ve legit never heard of this guy outside of him dissing Eminem, but from what I read he told girls he liked them and then…? This isn’t standard trafficking from what I read, which likely means he was overcharged… which is not good. I think traffickers are the true scum of the modern world, but I’m not seeing any actual facts about what he did? Seems like it’s essentially revenge porn? Anyone have more details?
  3. why would I be worried? I’m not the one who spent $70 to play a game for a few hours before ditching permanently.
  4. no one is saying it can’t be done. We’re saying it would be awful and unpractical.
  5. Another thing that kills immersion imo is floating guns. Where tf are the arms? Looks retarded.
  6. I vastly prefer the Switch OS in comparison to the bloated ass mess on PS and Xbox operating systems.
  7. You do realize you blink 15+ times a minute. How many times will you accidentally choose the wrong item because you involuntarily blinked?
  8. Some ally. You’re embarrassed to say you’d fuck a trans woman.
  9. No, I’m saying your lack of play time and the lowest user score for a Sony game is the indication. All the information I need to come to that conclusion. Have fun arguing with yourself, while you don’t play the game.
  10. And yet, you still refuse to vote. Wonder why.
  11. It would be nice to have 4k docked support but not required, there are several lower end (but awesome) games that could take advantage of it but still allow for other games to be capped as low as 1080p (while docked) with a few more graphical features.
  12. Yet you’re the one who won’t vote ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I wanna meet a brown brown person tho
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