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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Yet you’re the one who won’t vote ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I wanna meet a brown brown person tho
  2. It was just generally pointless imo, af least for my age group. Doesn’t really do much, antibodies seem to be a way better defense. I’ve had Covid 2x, but if I didn’t, I might have got the vax. Getting it now wouldn’t stop me from getting it again, if I ever do. I’ve had several exposures in the last 6 months or so but haven’t seemed to catch it again yet. Knock on wood ..
  3. Your lack of play time and the low user metacritic score indicates it to me.
  4. I want the same thing but stronger. And better joycons. Keep the oled. I’d like 4k but more importantly hdr support.
  5. Most GT fans hate GT7. i don’t play FM so you are likely correct. Racing sims in general aren’t my thing.
  6. a publisher is not a developer. And pop in is standard across the industry, so I doubt they said eliminate pop in or don’t release it. also, monolith, while a first party isn’t what I consider Nintendo.
  7. Agreed. Seems like a dumb gimmick, as 99.9% of VR is, but at least they’re trying to innovate. Another stupid on Rails game tho, smh. VR is a joke.
  8. He made fun of Eminem the other day too, add that to his charges.
  9. Aren’t you bi? Would think that would be like the best of both worlds. Lol
  10. The inside of peach’s castle is spot on. The outside is a little bland but I guess it matches the art style/capabilities back then
  11. @Goukosan came and went. What about @Mr. Impossible?
  12. Got my OLED switch next to me and about to try sports story again
  13. Nice try. Probably was your fourth or fifth video too. Nin10do
  14. LOL at you scouring YouTube and spending 5 minutes searching for pop up. It’s so far in the background I wouldn’t even consider that harmful. Took me 10 times of watching to even see it. regardless you having to watch five mins of gameplay to find one proved my point its not like forza or Elden ring when you literally see things popping in 2 ft in front of you at all times
  15. You’ve never made a good post
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