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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Still no response how is a trans different than a man claiming to be a woman
  2. No. Your response was “why do you care”. You didn’t actually address anything, per usual.
  3. Usually with my lady’s mouth around my cock
  4. Lmfao. there is no come back to this, have fun waiting for remy to actually respond.
  5. https://x.com/xbox/status/1815778985869291603?s=46
  6. Just grow a beard and rock the bald look bro
  7. A few of my friends have been taking some type of supplement from hims.com. Haven’t seen them in a while but they said it’s working. Id ask the cue ball @jehurey
  8. do I need to remind you of your Reddit comments?
  9. Switch games aren’t on PC whole point of PC is having the greatest hardware and graphics ….
  10. I bet you bought one @FIREPOWER
  11. I just don’t understand why anyone would want to play PC games at low settings for $500+
  12. @Tainted thoughts on CF? I fucking love it. It’s so much better than madden that madden will be hard to play this year if they don’t implement the fluidity of the game
  13. I hope I can use this as leverage to get my company to switch to osx
  14. I still fail to see how. these games are worthless, all of them, from Nintendo 1P to indie. they hold no value there’s no point in owning any, actually it’s a complete waste of your money buying games at best you buy for 70 and sell for $5-$20 at worse you spend 70 and never get it back because you’re a hoarder and will never play the game again anyway at even worse you spent $70 on a digital version of a game you will never recoup a penny on AND will never play again AND don’t truly own anyway
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