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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. And it’s better than all PS games in 2022, which I know you agree with.
  2. I don’t need to. He’s already picked MM as better than any other PS game this year. And he’s played lots of titles on PS this year.
  3. …and it didn’t win PC GOTY, it won GOTY. Meaning it was better than every game on PS in 2022, which I know you agree with.
  4. …. And it’s still better than anything he played on PS this year, which I know you agree with.
  5. It didn’t win PC GOTY, it won their GOTY. Meaning it was better than the other PS exclusives, which I know you agree on.
  6. HFW hasn’t got a single GOTY award. Doubtful it ever will, regardless of platform.
  7. I don’t play Witcher 3 in 2022 on any platform, but if I did, it would go in this order: PC, Series X, PS4 Pro, Switch,… then PS5.
  8. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/antitrust/microsoft-sued-by-gamers-challenging-69-billion-activision-deal
  9. Well, that’s what I’m saying. If I start a game and stop, there’s an extremely low chance I’ll go back. I see people all the time saying they want to go back and finish a game they started a while ago.
  10. I have PS5, Series X, Series S, and OLED Switch. Zero backlog. Well, there are games I still want to play, but it’s not like I have them just sitting on a shelf or anything.
  11. No, I’m not playing it. Jesus you’re mad though, I was just pointing out PS5 can’t even run this at 30 FPS.
  12. Fair enough. I don’t play too many crazy long games, maybe that’s why. But I beat Elden ring without moving on after 100+ hours.
  13. Curious about this. If a game comes out and I like it, I generally finish it before moving on. If I don’t finish it, there was a reason and I’ll likely never play it again. Why do people continue to buy games when they haven’t finished ones they want to? ie I completed about 90% of cyberpunk, but it just got boring at that point. I’ll never play it again (despite owning it on disc, bought it at GameStop for like $4) and I’m totally fine with that. To me, it’s like watching half of a movie and then wanting to come back to it months or years later to finish. I’d never do th
  14. Not my logic, it’s DFs. Overall, Saber and CDPR hit an impressive bar of quality here. Clearly, performance can vary, but on balance it holds 30ps more often than I expected. The Witcher 3 Complete Edition pruned back everything it can to be playable, while still somehow retaining a lot of its best visual features. Graphical points like reflections, light shafts, water physics, and even a high NPC count are incredible to see on a handheld. This is close to perfection. You’re gonna have to take it up with them.
  15. a 4.02 patch will improve performance, whenever it drops series s will be its own video foliage, skyboxes, weather, and more improved performance mode 1080p-2160p with FSR2.1 series x runs at a higher average res most areas are 60fps, except for cities ps5 is higher fps in cities like novigrad drops seems sporadic, multiple runs through the city vary between locked 60 or not series x has screen tearing in combat, series x has a locked 60, ps5 has drops 92ms response time
  16. Never played the first one but I hear it’s way better than #2
  17. I think you were going to post something but maybe forgot, but yeah I figured it would at least be a step up. Not super excited about it being wired but at least it should have some power. I can’t believe oculus has actually went up in price, such a POS.
  18. I tried watching porn once on the oculus but it was so low res and such a cringey porn it wasn’t even worth nutting to. The non vr porn on it was just a flat screen with low res so i don’t see why anyone would go that rout
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