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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I had a moment where I was sprinting from point a to b just to get some progress and my gun said something along the lines of “yeaaaaah let’s just run every fucking where and not look at any shit along the way!” Which made me laugh.
  2. Yeah I can’t play this game. Tried again and feel like I’m gonna puke 🤢
  3. Are you now claiming you don’t care about sideloading?
  4. Who’s ready? just rewatched the first one, and wtf, no 4k or hdr versions available on Disney plus… anyway, I shoulda bought tickets earlier. IMAX is sold out for like the next week unless I take front row tickets, which I learned my lesson when I was like 10 to not do that. anyway, anyone seeing it opening night?
  5. Imagine you bashing iPhones now when your biggest complaint is no longer valid theyre even opening up web browsers
  6. I know Xbox had a patch to fix some performance issues, coulda been that… or just in general the reviews are all over the place. Idk I felt sick after playing so I stopped
  7. That fat L google just took has you ignoring all of my posts because you know it’s true
  8. I think this game gives me motion sickness
  9. nope, but it forced android users to ditch android
  10. This android user switching to iPhone, along with millions of others
  11. No they didn’t. This is Europe only, Apple could simply leave Europe if they wanted and then google would be tried as a monopoly. either way, massive L for android
  12. and in turn, made android even more obsolete. Lol. Why would ANYONE want an android at this point? unless they’re in a third world country, expect hordes of android enthusiasts to switch over once this change is made.
  13. Why would you want to torrent anything on a phone
  14. I started it. Thought I downloaded the wrong game at first lol. You’ll see what I mean if you play it
  15. What files are you trying to share? btw, sideloading will apparently only be available in europe
  16. How have I been owned? No there is literally ZERO reason to own an android
  17. Getting pretty wild reviews, anyone try it yet? On gamepass… scores are anywhere from 2/10 to 8.5/10, currently sitting around 80 on MC
  18. Never really got into the p2p but may check it out. I never beat Melania
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