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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. im sorry you didn’t get to enjoy it, truly a great game. More importantly, even better games have been created because of it. a more relevant question to you, do you think it can challenge elden ring for GOTY?!
  2. All the reviews say people loved the story. I don’t care much about that. Just want fun gameplay. I like open world design that botw created but most videos seem like they’re in small, closed off environments? Are there any like, big landscapes?
  3. never played a game in the GOW series, and am kinda tempted, but wow was horizon stupid. I’ll trade it in for GOW tho, but is it honestly even worth it? Asking for opinions from people who have played the series mainly.
  4. Then Sony would have announced it. It’s dead, just as this will be.
  5. No one is buying one in 2021 or 2022. Hell, with the returns and trade ins it’s probably closer to 3 million now.
  6. No wonder it’s dead and your math is wrong. It’s 4% considering only 5 million psvrs have been sold.
  7. This means nothing when it equates to about a 3% attach rate. Why would a developer make a game for it?
  8. Dude who cares if this is the best VR the world has ever seen??? This thing isn’t going to sell worth shit!
  9. So you’ve went back on your claim. boy, that was quick.
  10. No, wanna bet ps vr 2 will outsell Xbox like you claimed?
  11. It actually will come no where near selling what Xbox series x has sold LOL
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